
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


At the end of the World War II, young Americans were confronted with a belief crisis. For their unsatisfactory of the social situation of that time, they fell in profound skepticism about their fathers’ values; meanwhile, the confrontation of American capitalist democracy and Soviet Union-style communism, which was generated by the ideological differences, made the young people in America deeply worried about their future and the tomorrow of the country. During the fifties, Buddhism provided an alternative for the materialism and consumerism that suffocated the American spiritually, advising a mendicant, homeless path. And Buddhist practice was considered as a way of self-identification among the young people.

There were two major reasons for Buddhism to become the third choice of the young Americans in the 1950s-60s. One, Buddhist teachings stayed in keeping with the main tends—Feminism, Sex Liberation and Gay Rights—which were held in esteem by the young. The other, transcendentalism, serving as the cornerstone of American capitalist democracy, took in much of Buddhist doctrines, especially its explanation on the relations between human and nature. This intrinsic connection of Buddhism and transcendentalism provided a theoretical foundation for the Americanization of Buddhism.

This thesis analyzed the Buddhist practice in Jack Kerouac’s The Dharma Bums to illustrate why and how Zen Buddhism turned into an alternative for the young Americans in the 1950s-60s—as Buddhist thoughts shared a certain proportion in the formation of early transcendentalism, their embracing then seemed fair and reasonable; and American Buddhism was justified rightly via transcendentalism.

Key words: Crisis, Alternative, Buddhism, Americanization

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