在听力理解的累进有效性的理论和图式理论的理论为指导,结合的实际情况,湖南高考卷和听力困难因素略论之前,大量的探讨理论,在理解的难度探讨因素作用湖南高考听力进行略论。 Introduction引言 自2017年以来,英语论文网站,听力一直是全国高考英语考试的一部分,正式的比例为20%,其中IS30点。教师和学生的开始注意听力理解的。倾听是一种能力,激活一个人的听觉器官和接收语音信息。Since 2017, listening comprehension has been part of the NationalMatriculation English Test officially with a proportion of 20%, which is30 points. Teachers and students began to pay attention to listeningcomprehension.Listening is a kind of ability to activate one's hearing organ andreceive the voice information. The effectiveness of its using usuallydepends on whether the listening is an attentive behavior. In addition,listening is also an item of almost all kinds of the important foreignlanguage tests testing the examinees' ability to listen to the language.NMET is the shortened form of National Matriculation English Test.It is one of the very important national examinations in the P.R. China.National Matriculation English Test is defined as the unified examinationthat those qualified High school graduates and candidates with theequivalent education level attend. The colleges and universities admit thebest examinee or candidate according to the examinee achievement andthe decided recruiting scheme while considering the morality, intelligenceand physique measures. Thus, the NMET should possess comparativehigher reliability and validity, and necessary differentiate and appropriatedifficulty. This is an examination with province as a unit. Though it is anational unified examination nominally, part of the test questions are notnational unified, and Hunan Province started its independent propositionsince the year 2017 in the English test of NMET. The test form isclose-book examination, and the test content is designated by the stateministry of education uniformly (NMET test program). The examineeswill be examined in written way.As a kind of unified nation-wide recruitment exam, the difficulty ofthe matriculation examination for college gets pretty much attention fromthe whole country always. The difficulty is an important index of theeducation measuring item analysis which means the degree of thedifficulty that the examinees faced in their accomplishment of the testingitems or item tasks. In consideration of this, and based on the actualsituation of the Chinese English learners, especially senior middle schoolstudents, the research tries to find the several most important factors thatinfluencing the difficulty of the matriculation examination for collegeEnglish testing and their influencing degrees by researching theperformance of certain number of representative senior school students inthe test. This research will provide a way to control the difficulty of allkinds of English listening testing designs and thus service for the dailyteaching and testing targets. Theoretically, this thesis will provide areference to the validity research which also belongs to the afterwardsresearch of listening.The most effect process for people to learn a foreign language islistening, speaking, reading, writing. From this we can see listening is thevery first basic skill of learning a language. Rivers' research shows thatlistening takes a proportion of 45% in our obtaining of information.Therefore, in the process of learning English, the training of listeningcomprehension ability should be paid enough attention definitely.There are many studies about the listening comprehension fromdomestic 本论文由英语论文网提供整理,提供论文/,英语论文/,/论文,/英语论文,/留学生论文,/英文论文,英语毕业论文,留学生论文/相关核心关键词搜索。 |