Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Research Background
有效的英语写作要求的措施来连接句子,以达到一致性和清晰度的话语。连贯性,但是,英语论文,一直拖住一个难以理解的概念,尽管在文献中被广泛讨论。有学者掩盖a地产的文字,使“挂起来”的句子。这相当含糊的定义表明,英语为母语的连贯性的概念有一个直观的了解,但是,学者们发现它难以定性的概念正式。关于一些探讨人员,凝聚力已采取行动连贯性的特征,使各部分之间的关系或联系的作品“绑定”到一个单一的整体,并创建“凝聚力的和谐”(哈桑·218),和因果结缔组织是的关系,有助于写作的连贯性。正如Halliday和Hasan指出,在英语(1976)在他们的作品凝聚,连接词的使用可以实现话语的连贯性的重要途径。根据他们的理论,连接联系主要有四种类型:添加剂,因果,转折和时间。在这四种类型中,因果联系是进口用人类描述和解释世界的核心。由于韩礼德在1976年首次提出的概念凝聚力,英语毕业论文,因果连接词的探讨已经获得了更多的关注。Effective English writing requires methods to connect the sentences in order to achievecoherence and clarity of the discourse. Coherence, however, has been a difficult notion to pindown despite being widely discussed in the literature. Some scholars have glossed it as aproperty of a text that enables the sentences to “hang together”. This rather vague definitionsuggests that native English speaker has an intuitive understanding of the notion of coherence,but that academics have found it difficult to characterize the notion formally. For someresearchers, cohesion has been taken to be the defining feature of coherence whereby links orties between parts of the writings act to “bind” it into a single whole and create “cohesiveharmony” (Hasan 218), and causal connective is one of the links that contribute to thecoherence of a writing. As Halliday and Hasan have pointed out in their book Cohesion inEnglish (1976), the use of connectives can be an important way to achieve coherence ofdiscourse. According to their theory, there are four types of connective relations: additive,causal, adversative and temporal. Among these four types, causal relations are central to theway humans describe and interpret the world. Since the concept of cohesion was firstproposed by Halliday in 1976, the studies on causal connectives have gained much moreattention. All of the studies have demonstrated that if used appropriately, causal connectiveswill contribute greatly to the clarity and comprehensibility of English writings. It is, therefore,believed that the use of causal connectives is helpful for readers to organize, interpret andreact to the information given by the writers.
The studies of causal connectives have attracted increasing attention among linguistics andresearchers in the past twenty years, and those studies have been done from different aspects.In foreign countries, an early study to investigate the use of cohesive devices in “good” and“poor” freshman essays was made by Neuner (1987) at a US college. In 1996, Granger andTyson compared connectives in essays written by advanced French learners of English andnative learners. In 1998, Bengt Altenberg and Marie Tapper carried out a research toinvestigate the use of connectives by Swedish English learners compared with that of nativeEnglish speakers. The results of these three studies show that compared with native Englishspeakers, foreign English learners tend to overuse or underuse some particular connectivesand have different preference in the position of the connectives. Some researches have alsobeen done to explore the use of connectives by Chinese English learners in comparison withnative English speakers. In 1992, Field and Yip found in their study that Cantonesemother-tongue learners overuse linking devices than native English speakers. In 1993, Miltonand Tsang summarized a high ratio of overuse of logical connectives in Hong Kong students’writings in comparison to published English. All the above mentioned studies ha