Chapter 1 Introduction引言
1.1 Background of the Study探讨背景
It has been a few years since the college English teaching reform is implemented.According to College English Curriculum Requirements (2017:25), the objective ofcollege English is to develop students’ ability to use English in a well-rounded way,especially in listening and speaking, so that in their future studies and careers as wellas social interactions they will be able to communicate effectively. And at the sametime the goal is to enhance their ability to study independently and improve theirgeneral cultural awareness so as to meet the needs of China’s social development andinternational exchanges. Emphasis on cultivating competence in listening and speakingis repeated in the Requirements. The great shift from a teacher-centered teachingpattern to a student-centered pattern also indicates the importance of humanisticvalues.After Davis (Meyer, 2017:1) puts forward the principle that student participationfosters critical thinking and learning, many teachers hold that students should beencouraged to orally participate in classroom discussions. Ellis (1994) also holds thatmost of time in teaching should be distributed both to interaction between the teacherand learners, and to interaction among the learners themselves. The quality of thisinteraction is seen as having a considerable influence on learning. However, mostteachers are dissatisfied at the current situation that students often keep silence andlack classroom involvement and interaction. Teachers think students are inactive and asa result, they are depressed. Thus the whole teaching process forms a vicious circle.These phenomena draw researchers’ attention. More and more empirical evidence hasportrayed the situation that the students are often reticent and quiet in class. They areunwilling to involve in classroom activities; they seldom give an answer, let aloneinitiate questions; when they give answers, ?item_id=org201711231304457653&p=6 they just have brief replies; they seldomspeak out their opinions even if they have one. Students inactive involvement in classhas prompted researchers(Liu, 2017; Nakane, 2017; Jackson, 2017)to find out thereasons. After survey, they find the causes are multidimensional.
1.2 Significance of the Study探讨意义
What elements need to be present in a language classroom to help students learneffectively are Engage, Study and Activate (Harmer, 2017). All these factors are relatedto students’ active participation. At the same time, EFL teaching has made a shift fromteacher-centered teaching pattern to student-centered pattern after the college Englishteaching reform. However, actual situation is most students are passive. They lackactive involvement and initiation. Teachers make complaints about students’ silenceand passive participation. They think students are passive receivers in that silentstudents deprive themselves and classmates from the benefit of their thinking, theirknowledge, and their insights. Much learning stems from idea and perception sharing.Many researchers have made relative survey and tried to find out the causes. But mostof their environ |