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资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-21


Chapter OneIntroduction引言

在这一章,本探讨的背景将提供,即目前的形势关于词汇学习和阅读教学的高中学校正在讨论的情况下的宽实施全国英语课程标准(NECS),同时,的必要性、目的和意义,当前的探讨将会清楚地解释了画一个近况探讨的概貌。In this chapter, the background of present study will be provided, namely the currentsituation for both vocabulary learning and reading teaching in the senior high schools arediscussed under the circumstance of the wide implementation of the National EnglishCurriculum Standards (NECS), at the same time, the necessity, purpose and significanceof the present study will be clearly explained to draw a general picture of the presentstudy.

1,1 Background of the Study探讨背景
s far as the research background is concerned, the following two aspects need to bediscussed; i.e. current situation for vocabulary learning and reading teaching in the seniorhigh schools, in addition, the requirements about vocabulary and reading learning in theNECS will also be mentioned in this section.Current Situation for Vocabulary Learning and Teaching in Senior HighSchoolsVocabulary, as one of the essential components that constitute language knowledge,  isthe basic building material of all languages. As English linguist Wilkin (1972, p.56)states:" Without grammar little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can beconveyed." Schmitt and McCarthy (2017, p. 140) make the similar comment "No matterhow well the student learns grammar, no matter how successfully the sounds of the secondlanguage (L2) are mastered, without words to express a wider range of meanings,communication in a L2 just cannot happen in any meaningful way."Words are the basic units in communication; therefore vocabulary learning becomesthe most essential part in the English learning and teaching. For most students, they canattach great importance to vocabulary learning in their English learning process. Moststudents are likely to memorize words through mechanical repetition, isolating fromcertain contexts, which turns out to be an inefficient method, and vocabulary learning inturn becomes obstacles of English learning. With time going on, students are likely tomaintain negative attitudes toward English learning.Many teachers apply the traditional teaching method with thorough explanation ofevery word in the word list, at the same time more detailed knowledge such as collocation,meaning and usage is indispensable in the teaching process. Students are expected toremember those language points after they understand them. Although few teachers trytheir best to integrate certain context into vocabulary teaching, their teaching methods areingrained with the traditional teaching philosophy in general. To be more exact, thetraditional teaching method exerts great influence on their teaching. Furthermore, a largeamount of vocabularies presented in a repeated and tedious way, which demotivatesstudents in the learning processes gradually. In addition, teachers always dictate studentsto check whether they master what they have been taught in class. Dictation, for moststudents, is a dull way to check whether they master words, which in turn makes themhardly enjoy English learning. In general, according to Chen Zehang and Wang Qiang(2017) the most serious and common problem for vocabulary learning is that studentsalways understand and recite vocabularies with is,英语论文英语论文
