
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-22

广告时,人们总是认为有关的创意和想法。然而,重要的是他们能够专注于它的内涵。恩岑斯贝格法师说,文化是一杯水与盐一样。尽管他们不能看到它,但他们能感觉到它,如果我们描绘它的时候由于无伴奏合唱,英语毕业论文,我们可以从该产品通过广告。 (卡佩拉1993年,引,47 Messaris),这意味着,例如他们会买食物吃,买生产清洗自己的身体或我们的房子。但通过广告,它会显示他们,如果他们购买这样的产品,他们可以变得更快乐,更美观等。因此,有必要对,我们的这些现象在广告中都有体现。在这里,英语论文,他们将重点放在一些广告有风格的女人。
When talk about advertisements, people always think about the creative and the idea. However, it is important for them to focus on the connotation of it. As Magus Enzensberger said, culture is the same as a cup of water which is with salt in it. Though they can’t see it, but they can feel it if we teast it. As Cappella provided that human being will image what we can get from the product through the ads. (Capella 1993, cited in Messaris, 47), it is also said by Messaris. It means for example they will buy foods to eat, buy produce to clean their body or our house. But through ads, it will shows them if they buy such kind of product they can become happier and more beautiful and so on. So it is necessary for us to analize the phenomenon in ads. Here they will focus on analize some ads with woman in it.
           Content analyses of the specific ads特定内容的广告略论
1. The image showed in ads
  In America, people may get in touch with about 3000 ads everyday. And today, it is not enough that products just provide material fuction. People also pay attention to whethere the product can change there social status or can provide them a better lifestyle. With the method market segmentation. Ads became more direct to what people want.
  Use this advertisement as an example. It shows us a stadard of beautiful and smart lady. It is not only a cloth. If they were this cloth, they can be beauty, nobleness. If we wear it to a party, they can be admired.
  Then about this one. It shows them an attitude towards our life. The women in the advertisement is relax and she lived in a wonderful house.
  From this two ads it gives them a space for imagination. It is more than just show them a cloth, but also show them the bright future and the excellent surrounding. People may image that they are not only get a product, with these product they will have a new lifestyle. Since it is not illegal that there is puffy in ads, customers also can get perfect information, so with ads, there will be more motivation for people to buy products.
  What’s more about the words in the ads. In this advertisement, if focus on the conbine the tradition and modern. Today people can find lots of cloths which is desine in modern style. While the cloth in modern stlye and also have tradition feel, it can be a new style. People may be absorbed by this point. So the words which is used in the advertisement is also important.
    Then about fation show. It shows us the lastest style of cloth. The hobby of different generation is different. It is necessary for ads keep updating. The creative of ads is important.
The gaze in ads.
  In this ads, if the customer is a woman, she will feel relax from the pose and the surrounding in the picture. While if the customer is a man, he will feel a kind of invitation. He will also feel interesting to the cloth. Regarding viewpoint, Kress and and van Leeuwen suggest that we should ask ourselves, "Who could see this scene in this way?
