一、头韵 头韵是指一组词或一句话,重复出现开头相同的音的一种音韵修辞法。最著名的就要算美国的Coca Cola·这一商标因此享誉全球。Coca—Cola原文只是两种植物名,它在中国人的心中扎根还源缘于中文译成“可口可乐”,听起来既悦耳,说起来又上口,而且“可口”又包孕了中国文化的底蕴。Coca Cola,只有两个词,四个音节,却包含了三种音韵修辞手段: alliteration (头韵), assonance (元韵), rhyme (脚韵)这样独具创意的广告,谁能抵抗得了其诱惑?又如,西班牙海滨的广告: Sea, sun, sand, seclusion--- and Spain You can have all this when you visit the new Hotel· 读者读了这则广告,马上就会想起阳光、沙滩、海浪这样的美景,能不被这则广告所吸引吗?Sea, sun, sand, seclusion不但描述了一副美丽的大海、灿烂的阳光、漂亮的沙滩、幽辟的别墅,而且这四个头韵相同的词(这句话六个单词有五个都是头韵/s/ )使人就好象感觉到了海风拂面海潮轻拍似的。
二、脚韵 脚韵指连续几个词的词末的一个音节的元音和辅音相同,重复同一个或者近似的元音,以达到悦耳动听的效果的修辞法· Spend a dime, save you time· 节约时间这则电器广告利用dime (美元里的角)和time (时间)元韵一样(都是/aim/),巧妙地告诉读者它能帮助你节约时间,而时间就是金钱。再来欣赏下面这则广告: WHICH MAN WOULD YOU VOTE FOR? Ah yes, what could be more dazzling than watching the candidates parade about, kissing babies and flashing winning smiles· Consider the man in the top picture· He promises to spend your tax dollars wisely· But see how he spends his campaign dollars· On a very fancy convertible· Resplendent with genuine leather seats·A big 425-horse-power engine· And a price tag that makes it the most expensive convertible you can buy· Now consider his opponent· He promises to spend your tax dollars wisely· But see how he spends his campaign dollars· On a Volkswagen Convertible· Resplendent with a head-lifted top· A warranty and four free diagnostic check-ups that cover you for twenty-four mon,英语毕业论文,英语毕业论文 |