
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-22

〈2〉使用警策句,以发人思考,从而达到宣传商品的目的。No dream is too big. (高级轿车广告)If you think getting only one cavity a year is OK,By 2017 you will have 10 holes in that theory.(牙膏广告)有时套用一些名言或谚语:To smoke or not to smoke, that is the question 。( 香烟广告)套用Shakespeare 的名言“To be or not to be, that isthe question”但这种语言形式应慎用,否则将是对经典文化的亵渎和误导。


1)塞德兹—奔驰汽车-Feel like a million for $970,000 less.It cost less than breakfast at the White House.译:少付了97万美元,英语论文,却得到百万美元的享受。它比白宫的一顿早餐还便宜。

2)约翰逊的钓具-With our line,you detect the fish before th
