
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-22

There are Sakura branches extending throughout the world. Sakura bank was formed through a merger of the Mitsui and Taiyo Kobe banks. Today, It is like a thriving sakura, or Japanese cherry tree, with deep roots in its native soil and branches reaching out in every direction to create a network of more than 100 offices in 30 countries. In the American, we were the first Japanese bank to offer investment banking services. Our strong US presence is but-tressed by office in Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Colombia and other markets. We operate nine countries in Europe and middle east—even as far a field as Turkey. And we one of the world’s best positioned banks to support international investors inAsia, including china and Vietnam.


这是日本著名的佐仓银行的广告,在这个广告中给了大家这样了一个美丽的图片,日本的樱花树在世界各地生长并盛开,这就说明樱花现在不仅扎根日本也在世界各地美丽盛开。所有的广告语言中也没有任何直接要求在银行消费的词语,仅仅就是告诉人们它的名字和在全世界的分布。然而很多人都知道樱花在日本的地位以及世界人民对它的喜爱,当我们看完这个广告后就会对佐仓银行有很深的印象并且信任它,这也就完成了广告用樱花代表银行的目的,为说服人们在这里消费奠定了很好的基础。所有语言的言下行为(locutionarry act)没有要求在这里消费,但它的言外行为(perlocutionary act)却达成了这种效果,这种言语行为通常都包含了比喻或是类比的应用。广,英语论文英语毕业论文
