
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-22



隐喻是概念的理解一件事情的另一个方面。隐喻是一个数字,构造了一个比喻两个事物之间或想法的言论;比喻所传达的一些其他的词的隐喻字的使用。Metaphor is the concept of understanding one thing in terms of another. A metaphoris a figure of speech that constructs an analogy between two things or ideas; the analogyis conveyed by the use of a metaphorical word in place of some other word. For example:"Her eyes were glistening jewels". Metaphor is or was also occasionally used to denoterhetorical figures of speech that achieve their effects via association,  comparison orresemblance (e.g., antithesis, hyperbole, metonymy and simile, which are then allconsidered types of metaphor). Aristotle used both this sense and the regular, currentsense above.Metaphor is a traditional topic for poetry and literary studies. From the timeof Aristotle on, people were using metaphor as the novel instances of poetic language.This way of looking at language persisted for over two millennia. Metaphor was seen tobe a matter of language, not thought. Much has happened within linguistics during thelast two decades. A new generation of cognitive scientist has emerged and they haveprovided a different model of what language is and how it functions cognitively. Sincethe publication of Black’s famous “interaction view of metaphor”, scholars from differentacademic backgrounds have been engaged in the exploration of the mechanisms ofmetaphor generation and comprehension, especially the nature and function of metaphorin language and thought. China has also experience the craze for metaphor, which isevidenced by the proliferation of publications of papers concerning metaphor studies inChina’s major key journal of foreign language research. However, it should be admittedthat a large part of metaphor studies in China has chiefly been focused on theoryintroduction and comments, thus more substantial work, both theoretically andexperimentally, are needed to be studied. Despite continuing interest in metaphor,contemporary metaphor researchers differ greatly in their perspectives of metaphor andapproaches to metaphor studies. Some of them are interested in the theoreticalexplorations of metaphor, focusing on such issues as metaphor identification,categorization of metaphor types, and the goals and logic of the production andinterpretation of metaphor in discourse. Other researchers are inclined to investigate theprocesses of metaphor production and interpretation, concentrating their attention on theactivation of concepts in processing metaphorical language, how an interpretation ofmetaphor is reached, and the structuring of conceptual domains through studies fromdifferent perspectives, at different levels, though some of the assumptions they entertainare incompatible with one another.Within cognitive psychology, cognitive might be broadly related to theunderstanding of the mind. Human beings form and make their own worlds withmetaphor and make their own world work efficiently with metaphor. Concepts that areincluded in metaphor are quite essential and vital because they are the keys to structurewhat the human beings try to perceive, the way for them to communicate with others andthe how they live in the world. The generations that are captured by metaphor bymetaphor are not in languages, but in thought. They have to do with cros
