
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-22


Chapter One Literature Review文学评论

  1.1 Previous Studies on Cultural Empathy at Home and Abroad以往的探讨对国内外文化移情
   国外的文化移情“移情”源于美学,心理学,英语论文题目,然后它被广泛运用在各个领域,如:社会学,语言学,语用学,跨文化交际,文学和外国语言教学等探讨The Studies of Cultural Empathy Abroad“Empathy” originated from aesthetics, psychology, and then it is widely applied in variousfield, such as: sociology, linguistics, pragmatics, intercultural communication, literature andforeign language teaching etc.. Both occidental and oriental researchers and philosophers attemptto develop this term from different angles of their field theoretically and practically. Theconstruct of empathy has proven to be especially difficult for researchers to define. Althoughthere are many difference opinions between the east and the west, there are still some similarities.And thus it is inevitably to overview the devotions that many researchers give to thedevelopment of this notion which still is on the way to be mature.  Here the writer is going toreaffirm some important researchers and scholars who have given great contribution to the studyof empathy and empathy-related fields.The term “Empathy” is derived from the German word “einfuhlund” which literally meansto feel inside, that is to say, try to share the vitality of the lifeless objects by infusing our ownsensibility and to achieve the effect that it looks as if lifeless object owns feelings, affections,thoughts and will. The English equivalent “Empathy” was interpreted from the word sympathyby American psychologist Titchener, Eward Bradford (E.B. Titchener) (1867-1927) in 1909.Initially, the concept “Empathy” was used as an aesthetic concept which was firstly put forwardby Robert Vischer in his doctoral thesis On the Optical Sense of Form: A Contribution toAesthetics—1873. He developed the symbolic function into “Empathy”. And he considered thatthe empathic phenomenon is a consistency between the subject and object which associated withaesthesis and he object to the view of applying memories or associations to explain the empathicphenomenon.Theodor Lipps, a famous German philosopher, aesthetician, is one of the mainrepresentatives of occidental theories of “Empathy”. Lipps begins his study from the view ofpsychology, and he does not agree with the opinion of starting from the physiological standpointthat uses the organ of “inner nachahmung” which means “imitation” to explain the function ofempathy. He admits that “inner nachahmung” is included in the empathy, but he considers thatempathy is not equal to the body feeling. Lipps(Gladstein,1984; Broome, 1991)made theIn ancient China, although no explicit concept of “empathy”, there were a number ofstatements be similar to “empathy”in nature, such as “realm”(境) “mood”(意境)etc.. Lian Cheng,famed musician in the Spring and Autumn Period, initially noticed the empathic phenomenonand primal used the term “empathy”. In Han Dynasty, the cognition of empathy had beenbrought into the process of aesthetic practice and it had achieved a high level. The famouspainter, Gu Kaizhi, in Nan Jin Dynasty, concluded his painting experience as “迁想妙得” whichmeans transferring one’s own emotion into the aesthetic object and immersing oneself in thebeauty which offered by the aesthetic object. Later on, the celebrated literature theorist, Liu Xie,from the Northern and
