论文ID:269 字数:859125,有开题报告,任务书,文献综述 摘 要 本文首先结合国内外学者的观点,探讨了马克·吐温的讽刺性幽默,指出其独特的口语化语言风格,英语论文题目,从广泛意义上讲,本身就是对传统文学语言的突变,实现了前景化;然后,综述了国内外重要学者对前景化理论的探讨和发展,并提出前景化理论在语篇理解和略论过程中的重要地位,即作者在表述上更有张力,而读者也可以把握正确的方向,理解作者的本意;最后,英语毕业论文,以马克吐温最著名的小说之一《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》为探讨对象,结合了于学勇的前景化实现模式,深入略论马克·吐温的讽刺性幽默及其主题的深化。 关键词:马克吐温;讽刺性幽默;前景化 ABSTRACT This paper first studies the ironic humor of Mark Twain combined with the viewpoints of the scholars in and abroad, pointing out that in a larger sense, the massive usage of spoken language in literature at that time is a sort of violation to the traditional literature, which helps the realization of foregrounding. It then gives the research and development of foregrounding theory contributed by the scholars in and abroad, and puts forward the concept that foregrounding theory plays a vital role in understanding and analyzing contexts, a role that not only provides the writers a more effective approach to express but also helps the readers to find a more direct access to the right points consistent with what the writers plan to convey. It finally offers a further analysis on ironic humor and theme of the most famous novel the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by the realization pattern of foregrounding constructed by Yu Xueyong. Keywords:Mark Twain; ironic humor; foregrounding
Contents 1. Introduction 1 1.1 Brief introduction to Mark Twain1 1.2 Purpose and significance of the study on Mark Twain’s ironic humor1 2. Literature review 3 2.1 Studies abroad3 2.2 Studies in China4 2.3 Comments on present studies5 3. Foregrounding theory 7 3.1 Introduction to foregrounding7 3.2 The realization pattern of foregrounding9 4. Mark Twain’s ironic humor 11 4.1 Background of Mark Twain’s novels11 4.1.1 Realism and realism novel11 4.1.2 Social background and factors11 4.2 Features of Mark Twain’s ironic humor12 5. Realization of foregrounding in ironic humor in the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn… 13 5.1 Phonological deviation13 5.2 Graphological deviation14 5.3 Grammatical deviation15 5.4 Semantic deviation16 5.4.1 Deception16 5.4.2 Metaphor17 5.5 Phonological overregularity18 5.6 Grammatical overregularity18 5.6.1 Repetition18 5.6.2 Parallelism19 6. Conclusion 21 Acknowledgements 22 References23 从前景化视角浅析马克·吐温的讽刺性幽默...... |