论文ID:285 字数:738021,有开题报告,英语论文,任务书,文献综述 摘 要 本文探讨的主要对象是极有代表性的海格力斯和后羿系列神话典故,英语毕业论文,这两个系列有着许多惊人的相似之处,探讨它们的内涵有着非凡的意义。作者首先介绍探讨神话典故的背景、意义和目的,对神话、典故和文化进行综述;然后论述国内外对神话典故的探讨状况;再分别从自然观、宗教观、英雄观、爱情观、价值观等五个方面,比较海格力斯和后羿两个系列的文化内涵的差异;最后总结本探讨的亮点与不足,确定未来进一步探讨的方向。这两个系列只是冰山的一角,作者希望通过此探讨可以引起人们对这方面探讨的关注,希望对广大英语爱好者,尤其是英语系学生有所启迪,以提高他们对外交流和跨文化交际的能力。 关键词:神话典故;文化内涵;羿;海格力斯 ABSTRACT This paper mainly studies the two typical series of Yi and Heracles, which have characteristics in common; the study of their connotations is meaningful. First of all, this paper will introduce the backgrounds, significance and purpose of the study, then define myth, allusion and culture. Next, review the study about mythical allusions both at home and abroad, simply analyze their features. And then, compare the cultural connotations of the series of Yi and Heracles from views of nature, religion, hero, love, and values. Finally, make a conclusion of advantages and disadvantages and explain the further study in future. The study is only the tip of an iceberg; the author just hopes this paper can make its very interested and helpful for cultural exchange, especially for English major students to improve their own abilities in cross-cultural communication.
Keywords:mythical allusion; cultural connotation; Yi; Heracles
Contents 1. Introduction1 2. Definitions of Myth, Allusion and Culture3 2.1 Definition of Myth3 2.2 Definition of Allusion4 2.3 Language and Culture5 2.3.1 Definition of Culture5 2.3.2 Language and Culture5 3. Literature Review Home and Abroad6 3.1 Studies on Allusion6 3.2 Studies on Greek and Chinese Mythology7 3.3 Studies on Greek and Chinese Mythical Allusion & Culture9 4. Analyzing the Cultural Connotations of Yi and Heracles10 4.1 View of Nature10 4.1.1 Adoring Nature11 4.1.2 Conquering Nature12 4.1.3 Harmony between Man and Nature13 4.2 View of Religion13 4.3 View of Hero14 4.4 View of Love14 4.5 View of Values15 4.5.1 Values in the Image of Yi and Heracles15 4.5.2 Values in Myth of Chang E Flying to the Moon16 5. Conclusion17 Acknowledgements18 References19 中希神话典故的文化内涵对比略论-就羿与海格力斯系列...... |