以General Questions,Detailed Questions,True or False Questions,浅层、深层的问题等提问方式来检查学生对课文理解的程度。如在《新概念英语》第二册的第八十九课“A Slip of the Tongue”中,可把课文理解的问题设置成浅层的和深层的两类。浅层问题如:What will people do anything for?What got round in the town according to the text?How did people react to it?等等。对于以上问题的回答,学生只要理解课文的表层意义就足矣。关于深层问题的回答,学生一定要理解其内涵。如:Why was the man so nervous.? What do you mean by“a slip of the tongue”?这样设计问题的目的是不仅要求学生们理解字面意义,也要求他们学会Read between the Lines。
学生做True or False Questions时,如答案是F时,要求学生陈述理由。如在教《新概念英语》第三册第十四课“A Noble Gangster”时,设计了以下几个问题:
(1)The owners of shops and businesses were quite willing to pay some money for protection, because they could be protected in war times and on the other hand, it was not a large sum of money.(应是They had no choice but to pay the protection money, because they would be put out of business if the money was not paid promptly.)
(1)教师要求学生用学过的词或词组替换掉文中的新词及词组,培养学生用英语解释文意、用英语思维的能力。如在《新概念英语》第二册第九十一课里有一句难理解的句子,句中出现了两个新的短语。He said that someone might be (watch secretly)the station and the pilot was ordered to (keep an eye on, to keep a close watch over)the strange object.在学生理解了以上两个短语后,要求同学用以上两个动词短语口头造句。
A. People gave the gangsters money so that they could get something back, in exchange for the money, in this way, we say people gave them money
B. What if people didn't give them money? What would happen? If you were a shopkeeper,they would... If you were a farmer... For a shop owner, is the shop very important? We call the shop the shop .
C. If you were unlucky and the gangsters destroy your shop, could you do business any more? They made you unable to do business—they .
D. In order to avoid being put out of business, how should you give them money? Can you take your time?Can you do it at any time you want? No. The money should be paid .
E. After the gangster's death, what did people do for him?(picture)If people paint,make,write or sing something especially for someone, they him/her.
What does it mean when we say“ dedicated oneself to something”?
F. Lin Qian dedicated himself to learning magic when he was 7. That's why he is so good at doing magic tricks and has become so famous.
In the future, you want to make a name for yourself as a...
G. Does anyone want to be like him?(Yang Li wei)He has made a name for himself as the first Chinese astronaut to enter the outer space. What are the qualities an astronaut should have?
Being brave.
H. When you are really valiant, you will surely become excellent and outstanding. Can you find the word that means excellent and outstanding? .
There're a lot of notable students around us. Can you think of anyone?
Tell us why he/she is notable, using the phrase ...
教师根据课文的主要内容设计一系列问题,并写在黑板上或投影到屏幕上,要求学生阅读后回答。然后引导学生适当借助关联词把所有的答案顺序串联起 |