摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 当今世界,国度与国度之间的接洽越来越慎密,俄语论文范文,不管是经济照样文明方面,列国人们都开端相互进修,相互交换,进修外语已酿成一个见责不怪的景象了。而在进修一门说话进程中,说话文字自己所存在的隐喻特色也是须要我们存眷的处所,由于透过说话的隐喻特色,我们可以很快地懂得外语的特色,和这个国度所具有的文明习气、风土着土偶情、思想形式等外容。说话学家以为,在这些隐喻景象方面,说话辞汇中的色彩词,其隐喻特色将对人们的生涯或是任务都可以发生严重的感化,是以异常具有研究的需要,可以对人类起到赞助。本文起首解释中国与斯拉夫国度今朝的研究现状和获得的结果,本课题的研究办法与语料起源,肯定了本文的研究规模及重要研究对象,阐述从认知说话学与社会文明学的角度动身商量汉俄语中颜色词的隐喻关系。其次我们对黑、白、红、黄、绿、蓝、灰这几个根本颜色词的隐喻停止比较。最初我们将依据汉俄两种说话带颜色词隐喻的特色,剖析二者之间所存在的认知和文明等身分,而且剖析雷同的地方与相异的地方的缘由地点。我们愿望,经由过程剖析这两种说话颜色词隐喻的差别,研究潜伏的文明内在,可以或许精确地掌握这些颜色词转达给我们的文明意义,并愿望对中国与斯拉夫国度的经济或是生涯能有所赞助,俄语论文网站,也愿望对说话进修者起到一些感化。 Abstract: In today's world, between country and country contact more and more rigorous, regardless of the economy still civilization, people from other countries are beginning to learn from each other, mutual exchange, foreign language learning has lead to a be blamed don't blame the scene the. And in learning a language process, speak their own text characteristics of metaphor also need our concern for the premises, because through the speech characteristics of metaphor, we can quickly know the language, the characteristics, and the country is civilized habits and customs of the DOGU, the forms of thought, endures. In these metaphors, the words of the language of metaphor, the metaphor characteristics of the people's life or tasks can have a serious impact, is the need to study the exception, can play a role in human. China and Slavic countries today the research present situation and the results obtained in this paper, first of all, interpretation, the subject of research methods and data origin, affirmed the the scope of the study and an important object of study, this talk from the cognitive metaphorical relations between color words and social civilization point of departure to discuss in Chinese and Russian. Secondly, we have a comparison of the metaphor of the basic colors of black, white, red, yellow, green, blue and gray. At first, we will analyze the characteristics of the two kinds of color terms in Chinese and Russian, and analyze the differences between the two. We hope, through the analysis of the differences of color words metaphors talk, study the latent cultural connotation, can perhaps accurately grasp these color words to convey the meaning of our civilization, and desire of China and Slavic countries economic or career can be sponsored, but also the desire for language learners to some effect. 目录: 摘要 4-5 Abstract 5 1 绪论 8-15 1.1 选题缘起 8 1.2 中俄两国目前探讨近况 8-12 1.2.1 中国探讨的近况 9-10 1.2.2 斯拉夫国家探讨的近况 10-12 1.3 本课题理论依据和探讨措施 12-14 1.3.1 理论背景 12-14 认知理论 12-13 文化社会学 13-14 1.3.2 本课题探讨措施 14 1.3.3 语料来源 14 1.4 本课题探讨的实现意义 14-15 2 汉俄色彩词隐喻探讨 15-30 2.1 汉俄语“黑色”隐喻的略论 16-18 2.2 汉俄语“白色”隐喻的略论 18-20 2.3 汉俄语“红色”隐喻的略论 20-22 2.4 汉俄语“黄色”隐喻的略论 22-24 2.5 汉俄语“绿色”隐喻的略论 24-26 2.6 汉俄语“蓝色”隐喻的略论 26-27 2.7 汉俄语“灰色”隐喻的略论 27-28 2.8 本章小结 28-30 3 汉俄语色彩词隐喻差异的原因略论 30-43 3.1 相同之处的原因略论 31-35 3.1.1 外来文化因素 32-34 3.1.2 共同历史因素 34-35 3.2 不同之处原因略论 35-41 3.2.1 政治历史因素 35-37 3.2.2 文化风俗因素 37-38 3.2.3 宗教因素 38-40 3.2.4 思维方式异同 40-41 3.3 本章小结 41-43 结论 43-45 参考文献 45-48 攻读学位期间学术论文情况 48-49 致谢 49-50 |