
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



Abstract: the development of industrial technology and the process of urbanization in nineteenth Century has brought a great impact on the life of the people. Therefore, the literary works have also begun to pay close attention to the big cities. This is especially notable in the beginning of twentieth Century. Kestner 's novel "Fabian, a moral character" is one example. This paper attempts to start from the city of in Weimar, Germany, in the view of Georg Kimmel from the perspective of social psychology, the practical consideration of the city's achievements, and Siegfried Kracauer's assessment of a special group of people in the city. From this obtains the conclusion is: KESTNER novel application specific deals with strategy, such as positivism motif and method of writing the message body, the sarcastic speaking, depicting the Weimar Republic era of big cities in order and collapse in the people. Master Bian in public law as a hard not Yacha walking in the big city of Berlin, experience the city life aspects. The novel not only shows the results of the classical and ancient techniques, but also describes the impact of the decay of moral character on the people's life, especially in the women's non binding position. In the big city, it is a kind of lost feeling, which is a kind of spirit of the city people in the transformation of urban life. Urban people, who are influenced by the urban identity, have a variety of new possibilities for the supply of the city, but they are not always faced with an unsettled situation in order and collapse, which is not always in a position to fall into a new life crisis.


摘要   4   Abstract   5-7   Danksagung   7-8   Inhaltsverzeichnis   8-9   1. Einleitung   9-16   2. Theoretische Grundlagen   16-28       2.1. Gro stadtreflexion vor Fabian – Die Geschichte eines Moralisten   16-19       2.2. Die Gro stadt als Betrachtungsgegenstand der Sozialpsychologie   19-24           2.2.1. Georg Simmel: Die Gro st dte und das Geistesleben   19-21           2.2.2. Siegfried Kracauer: Die geistige Obdachlosigkeit   21-24       2.3. Die Weimarer Republik: Gesellschaft und Literatur   24-28   3. Der Mensch zwischen Ordnung und Aufl sung in der Gro stadt der Weimarer Republik – Betrachtung zum Roman Fabian. Die Geschichte eines Moralisten   28-48       3.1. Inhaltsangabe   28-29       3.2. Die Aufl sung von Werten und Strukturen im Gro stadtleben   29-38           3.2.1. Massenmedien: Zeitung, Werbung und Film   30-34           3.2.2. Moderne Technik   34-36           3.2.3. Sexuelle Unverbindlichkeit   36-38       3.3. Die Gro stadt als Schauplatz oder Rummelplatz   38-45           3.3.1. Die Orientierungslosigkeit in der Gro stadt   40-42           3.3.2. Von der Gro stadt in die Kleinstadt: Existenz in Aufl sung   42-45       3.4. Entfremdung: Die Angestellten   45-48   4. K stners Gro stadtbild: Reduzierte Komplexit t   48-54       4.1. Neusachliche Motive   48-49       4.2. Journalistischer Schreibstil als Mittel zur Gro stadtreflexion   49-50       4.3. Sprache der Satire   50-51       4.4. Roman oder Geschichte   51-52       4.5. Innerlichkeit oder Sachlichkeit   52-54   5. Schlusswort   54-59   Literaturverzeichnis   59-62  
