
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



Hans Fallada (1893-1947) is one of the most popular writers in Germany in twentieth Century, and it has a good reputation as "the great writer" in German literature history. As the theme of the novel, such as "big man, how to do? "," eat onion cans "," big man, big shots, mysteriously ", all the lonely death" and the wolves in wolf "and so on, is translated into multiple languages and often a movie or move on stage, in many countries all over the world alive with the general readership. Chinese "big man, how to do? "Is falada's excellent representative, is his most successful works of high character, author's name is for the well-known to the world. For him, the "big man" is a representative of a particular social situation. The writer makes a lot of readers in the same time find their own shadow in the works by the guest's cool and clear and wise description method. In this paper, "big people, how to do? "As the research object, the work of several varieties of the" big man "to analyze, to discuss the different types of big characters and their respective characteristics and their personality. Because falada not to the fate of the characters comedy as a person, but as a crisis of the society as a whole system to be reminded of. So, this paper also test to discuss characters and social situation between approached. To more clearly remind characters of different types of abstract, the fallada writing big character and Germany famous writer burr works "silent" have similar experiences of people stop approach compared to discover them in different social and historical era of personality and tried to society and literature analysis constitute the connotation of the personality and the intrinsic reason.


Danksagung   4-5   论文摘要   5   Abstract   6-8   1. Einleitung   8-13       1.1 Forschungsstand   8-12       1.2 Zielsetzung der Arbeit   12-13   2. Literatursoziologie: Theoretische Perspektive   13-17       2.1 Ziele der Literatursoziologie   13-14       2.2 Methoden der Literatursoziologie   14-17   3. Hans Fallada und sein Roman Kleiner Mann – was nun?   17-41       3.1 Schriftsteller und biographische Elemente in seinem Roman   17-22           3.1.1 Hans Fallada   17-19           3.1.2 Beziehungen Falladas zu dem Typ des kleinen Mannes   19-22       3.2 Ein zeitgeschichtlicher Roman: Kleiner Mann – was nun?   22-28           3.2.1 Historischer Hintergrund: Eine gef hrliche Zeit   23-24           3.2.2 Zeitroman: Hauptinhalt und Eigenschaften   24-28       3.3 Kleine M nner im Roman Kleiner Mann – was nun?   28-38           3.3.1 Typischer kleiner Mann: Pinneberg   28-32           3.3.2 Der Halt und die Hoffnung Pinnebergs: Murkel und L mmchen   32-35           3.3.3 Die moralisch verkommenen kleinen M nner: Jachmann undHeilbutt, Mia und Ke ler   35-38       3.4 Resümee   38-41   4. Vergleich mit den kleinen M nnern in B lls Roman Und sagte kein einzigesWort   41-56       4.1 Und sagte kein einziges Wort   41-42       4.2 Kleine M nner im Roman   42-48           4.2.1 Das getrennt lebende Ehepaar: Fred und K te   42-45           4.2.2 Das Opfer des harten Lebens: Die schweigensamen Kinder   45-46           4.2.3 Die Helle im dunklen Leben: Das M dchen in der Imbi stube   46-48       4.3 Vergleich der kleinen M nner in zwei Romanen   48-56           4.3.1 Unterschiede: Lebensverh ltnisse und Charakteristik der Hauptfiguren   48-51           4.3.2 Gemeinsamkeiten: Sozialer Status, Einstellung zum Leben und Schicksal der Hauptfiguren   51-54           4.3.3 Urs chliche Zusammenh nge   54-56   5. Literarische Bedeutung des kleinen Mannes   56-61       5.1 Der kleine Mann in der deutschen Literatur der Gegenwart   56-58       5.2 Literaturgeschichtliche Bedeutung vom Roman über kleinen Mann   58-61   6. Schlusswort   61-63   Literaturverzeichnis   63-66  
