
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



Heinrich burr is a great writer of the Federal Republic of germany. He pays close attention to reality, ceaseless innovation, to the people left a rich literary heritage. In 1972, with "Smith and burr people" this work won the Nobel prize for literature and famous in the world. Women play a important role in Burr's works. They are a male guardian, is the carrier of humanitarian burr always wants to advocate. The burr in his later works, women are playing the traditional brand of civilization. Their beauty and kindness, no task, financially dependent on men, no autonomy at all, their only duty is to take care of the family, never consider the future and growth of the ego, men govern their career. They are just the side of the main body of men. With the rapid development of feminism in the end of 70 years, 60 years, the society has given the unprecedented attention to women, and women know gradually. This knowledge is deeply affected by the shape of burr, his early works of women have changed, in addition to uphold the traditional female virtues, these women know women become independent. They have their own occupation, the economy does not rely on the man, understanding of the automatic for their own happiness, to fight, and decisively to defend their legitimate rights and interests. This paper select four works burr of women in the abstract, and the women know women change slowly with the stop details. Including the "silent" in Kurt, "see" the clown in Marie, "" Smith and Lenny "and all lost the reputation of Katharina" in Katharina. This shows the feminist activities on women's awareness of their sober, burr in a certain extent have main effect.


论文提要   4   Abstrakt   5-8   1. Einleitung   8-12       1.1 Motivation des Untersuchungsgegenstandes   8-10       1.2 Zielsetzung und Konzept der Arbeit   10-12   2. Weibliches Bewusstsein und dessen Erwachen   12-20       2.1 Zum Begriff Weibliches Bewusstsein“   12       2.2 Verlorenes Bewusstsein von Frauen   12-15       2.3 Das Erwachen des weiblichen Bewusstseins   15-17       2.4 Frauenemanzipation in der BRD   17-18       2.5 Frauenemanzipation, Patriarchat und Kapitalismus   18-20   3. Zum Schriftsteller Heinrich B ll - Leben und Werke   20-25   4. Frauendarstellungen in B lls Werken   25-33       4.1 Stellung der Frauen in B lls Werken   25-26       4.2 Frauen in früheren Werken B lls   26-29       4.3. Wandel der Frauengestalten   29-33   5. Vier charakteristische Frauengestalten in B lls Werken   33-66       5.1 Vertreterinnen der traditionellen Frauen: K te und Maria   33-49           5.1.1 K te in Und sagte kein einziges Wort“   33-41           5.1.2 Marie in Ansichten eines Clowns“   41-49       5.2 Frauen mit weiblichem Bewusstsein - Leni und Katharina   49-66           5.2.1 Leni in Gruppenbild mit Dame“   49-57           5.2.2 Katharina in Die verlorene Ehre der Katharina Blum“   57-66   6. Schlusswort   66-69   Literaturverzeichnis   69-72  
