(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 莫言是中国现代文坛上最富盛名的作家之一,并于2017年成了第一名被授与诺贝尔文学奖的中国作家,惹起了全球的注视。他的代表作被翻译成十几种说话,在列国出书刊行,惹起了极年夜反应。今朝为止,他的小说中已有六部被译为德语,就译作数目而言,莫言是颇受德国读者爱好的中国现代作家。今朝,针对莫言著作海内译介方面的研究多集中于其英文译本,德语译本研究方面,还没有人触及。本论文拔取莫言的代表作之一《檀喷鼻刑》的德语译本作为研究对象,德语论文题目,从维尔纳·科勒提出的标准性等值不雅点动身,以小说中最具特点的戏曲元素猫腔为例,着眼于猫腔中所运用的辞汇和修辞手腕,剖析译者白嘉琳(Karin Betz)在国鄙谚义辞汇、鄙谚、比方、排比构造及压韵方面的翻译战略,评价其后果。经由过程剖析所得出的结论是,白嘉琳在翻译进程中采取了以同化翻译为主、归化翻译为辅的翻译战略,根本完成了科勒所提出的原文与译文间的内涵、内在、语用、情势美学等方面的等值请求,使译文在最年夜水平上保存与再现了原文内容层面的信息与作风要素。是以,白嘉琳的《檀喷鼻刑》德文译本对其他文学著作的翻译也可起到必定自创感化,详细表现在:在小说构造及人物姓名的处置上,完整采用同化战略,保存原文特点;在国鄙谚义词、谚语及修辞手腕的处置上,德语论文题目,优先采用同化战略,当同化翻译能够会为译文读者带来懂得艰苦或形成误会时,采取归化战略。 Abstract: Mo Yan is the richest of the Chinese modern literary world famous writers, and in 2017 the first prize is awarded the Nobel Prize in literature, Chinese writers, has aroused the world watched. His masterpiece has been translated into more than a dozen speak, published and distributed among the nations, caused a great reaction. So far, his novels have six was translated into German, in terms of the number of translations, Mo Yan is popular with German readers like the modern Chinese writers. Today, according to Mo Yan works domestic translation studies focus on the English translation, German translation research, there is no touch people. This paper choose Mo Yan's representative works of "white sandalwood punishment" German translation as the research object, from Werner Kohler proposed standards equivalent indecent point start, the novels in the most characteristic elements of Chinese opera cat cavity as an example, focusing in cat cavity used for lexical and rhetorical wrist, translator Bai Jialin (Karin Betz, analysis Chinese proverb meaning of words in the exchange, saying, for example, the parallelism structure and rhyme of translation strategy, evaluation of the consequences. Through the analysis of the process of income out of the conclusion, Bai Jialin in the process of translation take the domesticating translation, domesticating translation, supplemented by the translation strategy, the basic realization of the connotation of Kohler proposed the original text and the target text, inherent and pragmatic, situation aesthetics equivalent request, make the translation on the level of the eve of the preservation and reproduction of the content of the original level of information and style elements. Is to Bai Jialin "white sandalwood punishment" in the German version of translation of literary works can also play must own role, with performance in dealing with novel structure and the name of the character, complete with strategic assimilation, preserve the original characteristics; in dealing with Chinese proverb meaning words, proverbs, and rhetoric of the wrist, give priority to the adoption of assimilation strategy, when the domesticating translation may for readers to bring know how hard or misunderstanding, take domestication strategy. 目录: Danksagung 4-5 摘要 5 Abstract 6-7 Inhaltsverzeichnis 7-9 1. Einleitung 9-13 1.1 Forschungsmotivation 9-10 1.2 Forschungsstand 10-11 1.3 Aufbau der Arbeit 11-13 2. Theoretische Grundlage 13-24 2.1 quivalenz in der übersetzungswissenschaft 13-22 2.1.1 überblick 13-14 2.1.2 quivalenzans tze von Werner Koller 14-20 2.1.3 übersetzungsrelevante Textanalyse von Werner Koller 20-22 2.2 übersetzungsstrategien: Domestikation und Foreignization 22-24 3. Der Roman Tanxiangxing und die deutsche übersetzung von Karin Betz 24-34 3.1 Tanxiangxing 24-30 3.1.1 Der Autor Mo Yan 24-25 3.1.2 Die Handlung des Romans 25-27 3.1.3 Die Katzenoper 27-30 3.2 Die deutsche übersetzung 30-34 3.2.1 Die übersetzerin Karin Betz 30 3.2.2 Die Rezeption des Romans im deutschsprachigen Raum 30-34 4. übersetzungsstrategien und quivalenz: übersetzung der Katzenoper in Tanxiangxing 34-74 4.1 Kurze Darstellung von Betz'übersetzungsstrategien 34-43 4.1.1 übersetzungsrelevante Textanalyse des Romans Tanxiangxing 34-35 4.1.2 Rekonstruktion der Struktur 35-38 4.1.3 Behandlung der Personennamen 38-43 4.2 Der Wortschatz der Katzenoper 43-59 4.2.1 W rter mit national-kultureller Bedeutung 43-50 4.2.2 Sprichw rter 50-59 4.2.3 Zusammenfassung 59 4.3 Die rhetorischen Stilmittel der Katzenoper 59-74 4.3.1 Vergleich und Metapher 60-65 4.3.2 Parallelismus 65-68 4.3.3 Reim 68-73 4.3.4 Zusammenfassung 73-74 5. Schlusswort 74-77 Literaturverzeichnis 77-83 |