(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 赫尔曼·黑塞是二十世纪德语文坛最为主要的作家之一,德语论文范文,他的著作因其说话幽美,德语毕业论文,思惟深入,活着界各地都惹起了伟大反应,对这位作家的爱好及研究经久不衰。本篇论文从黑塞著作中重复涌现的“遨游”主题动身,对黑塞分歧时代的一系列叙事性著作(根本为中、长篇小说著作)睁开剖析,经由过程这一主题在分歧著作中的表示情势,寻觅其所表达的美学意义及人文思惟,从而获得对作者及其所处的汗青情况的进一步熟悉。从黑塞笔下的配角身上,人们常常可以看到很多作者自己的影子。他们经由过程各种门路来掩护本身的自力人格,谢绝向吠形吠声的社会成规让步。普通而言,他们只能作为多数个别存在,没法也不肯对现有标准停止完全的推翻,因此选择成为特定情势的“局外人”。在某些情形下,这类心灵的远遁形于外时,便表示为成群结队的遨游。在黑塞的后期著作中,常常涌现针对这类情形而发生的苦闷情感;在前期著作中,则更倾向于重视这一成绩,寻觅到达心坎均衡的有用门路。 Abstract: Hermann Hesse is the twentieth century German literature is one of the main writers, his works because of their talk is serene and beautiful, thinking deeply, living around the world are caused a great reaction, the writer hobby and seminar lasting popularity. This paper from the work of Hermann Hesse repeated emergence "roam" theme to start, of Hesse at different times of a series of narrative works (root for and novels in open analysis through this theme in different works said situation, looking for the expression of aesthetic significance and humanistic thoughts, so as to obtain the history of the author and the more familiar with. From Hesse's supporting body, people often can see a lot of the author's own shadow. They through the process of a variety of ways to protect their own personality, refused to slavishly echo others social rules. In general, they can only be the majority of individual existence, can not be refused to the existing standard to stop the complete overthrow of the existing standards, and therefore choose to become an outsider". In some cases, this kind of mind to hide far outside, he said to the gathering in crowds and groups to travel. In Hesse's later works, often appear in this kind of situation and the occurrence of depression emotion; in previous works, are more likely attaching importance to this achievement, looking at heart balanced useful opportunities. 目录: 摘要 2-3 Abstract 3 1.Einleitung 5-8 2.Das Schema "Floβfahrt":Eine Strukturanalyse 8-10 3.Von Peter Camenzind bis Knulp 10-27 3.1 Peter Camenzind 11-17 3.1.1 Aller Anfang ist schwer 11-15 3.1.2 Zur(u|¨)ck in die Natur - Anti-Modernisierung? 15-17 3.2 Unterm Rad 17-22 3.2.1 Die Leiden des jungen Hans Giebenrath 18-20 3.2.2 Der Tod von Hans Giebenrath 20-22 3.3 Knulp - das Wandern als Lebensstil bzw.der verlorene Sohn 22-27 3.3.1 "Kunst"des M(u|¨)βiggangs 23-27 4.Der neue Anfang 27-40 4.1 Demian 29-35 4.1.1 Neue Beziehung:Demians Bedeutung 29-30 4.1.2 Die neue Gegen(u|¨)berstellung von zwei Welten 30-31 4.1.3 Eine neue(U|¨)berzeugung 31-32 4.1.4 Neue Stimmung:Das Mysteri(o|¨)se 32-33 4.1.5 Neue Liebe:Das ewige Weib 33-35 4.2 Siddhartha:Im Namen der Religion 35-40 4.2.1 Ein indisches Gesicht 36-37 4.2.2 Der Weg von Siddhartha 37-40 5.Steppenwolf 40-46 5.1."Nur f(u|¨)r Verr(u|¨)ckte!" 41-42 5.2."Ruf der Wildnis"? 42-43 5.3 "Es steht mir leider(nicht) so" oder Schl(u|¨)sselwort "Neurotiker" 43-46 6.Narziss und Goldmund 46-51 6.1 Zwei Freunde 47-48 6.2 St(a|¨)ndiges Unterwegssein:Auf den Idealismus beharren oder das ewige(Selbst)Exil? 48-49 6.3 Das ewige Weib Ⅱ 49-51 7.Schluβwort 51-53 8.Literaturverzeichnis 53-54 9.Publikation 54-56 |