
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



The translation of the theoretical information for the introduction of the famous scenic spots in Munich tourism text, the contents of the German construction, industry, art, history, characters, etc.. Declare the translation theory contains four departments: description obligation for the translation department first, important to introduce the origin, content and other information; second department for the translation process, translation contains the preparation before, modified and censorship, retouching, finalized in; the third part is the case analysis, according to the instance of the text in the emergence of vocabulary, syntax, civilization difficulties to carry on the analysis, summarizes the four departments of translation theory, the author in the process of translating understand and experience to stop the synthesis.


摘要   4-5   Abstract   5   目录   6-7   前言   7-8   1 翻译任务描述   8-9       1.1 材料来源   8       1.2 著作简介   8-9   2 翻译过程   9-11       2.1 译前准备   9       2.2 初译稿修改中解决的难点   9-10       2.3 审读、、定稿   10-11   3 翻译案例略论   11-17       3.1 词汇难点   11-13       3.2 句法难点   13-14       3.3 文化难点   14-17   4 翻译实践总结   17-18   参考文献   18-19   英语原文   19-35   汉语译文   35-49  
