
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



In recent years, in the private colleges in the rapid growth, growth of private higher education standards mentioned schedule. Is to need to learn from foreign private university experience, universities can provide a reference for our citizens. There are many similar places in Germany modern private university and in private colleges development, its operation method is worth using for reference. The birth of any new thing or the emergence of the forefront of research, are completed in the process of. So is the study of private universities in Germany. At present, no matter in Germany still in China, of the German private higher education research scholar is also one of the few. The German modern private university research, so a complete without open academic category. The study of German modern private university not only has theoretical significance and academic value. The research of this paper is composed of the following six parts. Part 1: introduction. Introduces the concept of private university in modern Germany, discusses the research contents and methods, research present situation of this thesis. The second sector: from the background of history and reality two aspects of the German private university to carry on the elaboration analysis. The third sector: introduces the growth roughly in Germany private university and the growth stages and types according to the division of. German private full-time university, continuing education in universities and international cooperation in University separation analysis, summed up their respective characteristics. Fourth part: to discuss the method of German private university relevant statutes and judicial funds origin is introduced. The fifth part: summed up operation of German modern private university external many characteristics in many aspects, summarizes its special value in the German higher education system. The sixth part: guess of German modern private university development trend, and according to the above aspects of the research, it is concluded that the citizen I do the growth of inspiration.


封面   1-2  
摘要   2-3  
英文摘要   3-4  
第1章引言   4-8  
    1、1问题的提出   4-5  
    1、2探讨近况   5-6  
    1、3探讨内容与措施   6-7  
    注释   7-8  
第2章德国当代私立大学产生背景   8-15  
    2、1德国私立大学的历史追溯   8-11  
    2、2德国当代私立大学产生的现实背景   11-14  
    注释   14-15  
第3章德国当代私立大学的发展概况   15-22  
    3、1发展概况与阶段   15-16  
    3、2类型略论   16-21  
    注释   21-22  
第4章德国当代私立大学的政策法规和经费来源   22-32  
    4、1法学法规   22-25  
    4、2经费来源   25-31  
    注释   31-32  
第5章德国当代私立大学的运作特点与特殊价值   32-38  
    5、1德国当代私立大学的内部运作特点   32-36  
    5、2德国当代私立大学的特殊价值   36-37  
    注释   37-38  
第6章展望与启示   38-42  
    6、1展望   38-40  
    6、2启示   40-41  
    注释   41-42  
主要中文参考文献   42-42  
主要德文参考文献   42-45  
附录   45-48  
致谢   48  
