(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 最近几年来,中公民办高校敏捷成长,标准成长平易近办高级教导曾经提到议事日程。是以,德语毕业论文,有需要自创国外私立年夜学成长的经历,为我公民办高校供给参考。德国现代私立年夜学与中公民办高校的成长有很多类似的地方,其运作措施值得自创。任何新事物的出生或前沿研究的出现,都是在从无到有的进程中完成的。德国私立高校的研究也是如斯。今朝,不管在德国照样在中国,德语论文范文,对德国私立高级教导停止研究的学者还为数不多。德国现代私立年夜学的研究,照样学术上一个未经完整开辟的范畴。由此,研究德国现代私立年夜学不只具有理论意义并且具有学术价值。本论文的研究重要由以下六部门构成。第一部门:引言部门。引见了现代德国私立年夜学的概念,论述了今朝的研究现状、本论文的研究内容与办法。第二部门:从汗青和实际两个方面临德国私立年夜学的发生配景停止了论述剖析。第三部门:详细引见了德国私立年夜学的成长概略,并对其成长阶段和类型停止了有根据的划分。对德国私立全日制年夜学、持续教导性质年夜学和国际协作年夜学分离停止剖析,总结出各自的特色。第四部门:以论述的措施,对德国私立年夜学相干的司法学例和经费起源停止了引见。第五部门:归结出德国现代私立年夜学外部运作诸多方面特色,总结出其在德国高级教导体系中的特别价值。第六部门:猜测德国现代私立年夜学的成长趋向,并依据上述诸多方面的研究,得出我公民办高校成长的启发。 Abstract: In recent years, in the private colleges in the rapid growth, growth of private higher education standards mentioned schedule. Is to need to learn from foreign private university experience, universities can provide a reference for our citizens. There are many similar places in Germany modern private university and in private colleges development, its operation method is worth using for reference. The birth of any new thing or the emergence of the forefront of research, are completed in the process of. So is the study of private universities in Germany. At present, no matter in Germany still in China, of the German private higher education research scholar is also one of the few. The German modern private university research, so a complete without open academic category. The study of German modern private university not only has theoretical significance and academic value. The research of this paper is composed of the following six parts. Part 1: introduction. Introduces the concept of private university in modern Germany, discusses the research contents and methods, research present situation of this thesis. The second sector: from the background of history and reality two aspects of the German private university to carry on the elaboration analysis. The third sector: introduces the growth roughly in Germany private university and the growth stages and types according to the division of. German private full-time university, continuing education in universities and international cooperation in University separation analysis, summed up their respective characteristics. Fourth part: to discuss the method of German private university relevant statutes and judicial funds origin is introduced. The fifth part: summed up operation of German modern private university external many characteristics in many aspects, summarizes its special value in the German higher education system. The sixth part: guess of German modern private university development trend, and according to the above aspects of the research, it is concluded that the citizen I do the growth of inspiration. 目录: 封面 1-2 |