
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



In our country, we are in the main period of economic and social transformation, the traditional political system to the ancient rule of law and the rule of law in the development of the rule of law, constitutional government and the rule of law has become the basic guarantee for the perfection of other judicial, but our country has not set up a reasonable concept and framework of constitutional government. This article from the concept, the truth, and so on, the research of the judicial tradition, and this angle of view to the German constitutional analysis, take the historical analysis, comparative analysis and other methods of writing papers. This paper is divided into four departments. The first part summarizes the constitutional status of the traditional civil law system, including the division of public law and private law, the formulation of the law tradition and the reality of the mixed regime, and the sensibility of the system. It is thought that the actual research of public law in the civil law system is not perfect, but it has many advanced constitutional thoughts, which is the basic of the development of the public law. The second part introduces the concept of constitutional government, the contents of German constitutional government and its important characteristics. Constitutionalism is a multi-level concept, to Germany after World War II to constitutionalism in detail, is the "basic law" as the important basis to affirm the federalism, party system style, the concept of rule of law and constitutional review system features back. At the same time, the growth of the constitutional court is the main component of the constitution. The third part is the combination of the traditional and German Constitutional Law in the civil law system, and it is the middle part of this article. The Department research and analysis of the potential contact between them, the law of the real law of the traditional constitutional government is how the infiltration of the process of the German constitutional construction process. This chapter is divided into two parts, the first section from the rule of law, the main, the separation of powers, the concept of natural law, the concept of the law of the civil law system of the German constitutional plan. In the second section, the paper expounds the protection of the constitutional order of the traditional civil law system, and analyzes the fine tradition of civil law system and the federal constitutional court. The fourth section expounds the creation of the constitutional government of China. Although there are many differences between China and Germany's constitutional system, but there are still many worthy of their own premises.


摘要   4-5   Abstract   5   引言   8-9   1 大陆法系传统中的宪政因素   9-16       1.1 公法与私法的划分   9-11       1.2.制定法传统的确立   11-13           1.2.1 以法典为核心的制定法传统   11-12           1.2.2 罗马宪法的贡献   12-13       1.3 混合政体理论   13-14       1.4 理性主义   14-16   2 德国宪政概述   16-25       2.1 宪政的概念   16-17       2.2 德国宪政的内容   17-21           2.2.1 德国宪法的基本准则   17-18           2.2.2 现代德国宪法确立的主要制度   18-21       2.3 德国宪政的特点   21-25           2.3.1 联邦主义   21-22           2.3.2 政党体制   22-23           2.3.3 法治国理念   23-24           2.3.4 违宪审查制度   24-25   3 大陆法系传统与德国宪政的契合   25-37       3.1 大陆法系传统对德国宪政的规划影响   26-33           3.1.1 法治准则的推崇   26-27      法治:宪政的基石与保障   26      法治与德国宪政建设的密切联系   26-27           3.1.2 民主准则的强调   27-30      民主是宪政国家的基础   27-28      德国宪政中的民主准则   28-30           3.1.3 分权制衡准则的体现   30-32      分权制衡是宪政的重要准则   30-31      分权制衡准则在德国宪政中的体现   31-32           3.1.4 理性主义自然法理念的推动   32-33       3.2 大陆法系传统对德国宪政秩序的维护影响   33-37           3.2.1 联邦宪法法院的诉讼制度   33-34           3.2.2 大陆法系的优秀传统是宪政的内在维护机制   34-35           3.2.3 大陆法系传统决定了德国宪政的走向   35-37   4 德国宪政对我国宪政建设的启示   37-44       4.1 违宪审查制度的设计   37-39       4.2 构建法治政府   39-41       4.3 人权理论的推进   41-42       4.4 加强宪政文化建设   42-44   结论   44-45   参考文献   45-49   申请学位期间的学术论文   49-50   致谢   50  
