
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



Twentieth Century 80 years, the German Green Party has experienced a protest party a parliamentary party in the development process of the party, becoming a political force in today's German politics. Green political value of the German greens and indecent political idea features bright, has the meaning of improving. The German Green Party to promote the two aspects of the identity. First, with a view of the new social activities is the green party was born, the cradle of Germany's electoral system is the basic system of livelihood of the Green Party; the two German and one for the green party provides a powerful historical opportunity. Second, the subjective element fresh Abstract appeal to voters; set odd organization structure, value indecent dexterity and the principle of the joint height; party cooperation strategy of the social democracy in the Democratic Party and the greens with collaboration can and necessity. German Green Party mustered the Department changed the traditional German Party format; promote traditional party diverse "green"; of German national policy, policy on women, immigrants policy produced a greater impact, to a certain level shook the trend of German communication policy since the 1990s.


中文摘要   2-3   ABSTRACT   3   引言   6-11   一、德国绿党的发展状况   11-19       (一) 德国绿党兴起的历程   11-15           1、体制外斗争时期   11-12           2、体制内发展时期   12-15       (二) 德国绿党的政治价值观   15-16       (三) 德国绿党的政治主张   16-19           1、经济政策主张   16-17           2、社会政策主张   17-18           3、第三世界政策主张   18-19   二、德国绿党兴起的原因   19-36       (一) 德国绿党兴起的背景因素   19-25           1、新社会运动:绿党诞生的"摇篮"   19-22           2、德国的选举制度:绿党生存的制度基础   22-24           3、德国的统一:绿党壮大的历史契机   24-25       (二) 德国绿党兴起的主观因素   25-36           1、清新的绿色形象   25-27           2、灵活务实的机制   27-33           3、政党合作策略:"红绿联盟"   33-36   三、德国绿党兴起对德国政治进程的作用   36-51       (一) 对政党格局的作用   36-39       (二) 对传统政党的作用   39-45           1、对社会民主党的作用   39-43           2、对基督教民主联盟/基督教社会联盟的作用   43-44           3、对自由民主党的作用   44-45       (三) 对政府政策议程的作用   45-51           1、对环境政策的作用   45-47           2、对妇女政策的作用   47-48           3、对移民政策的作用   48           4、对外交政策的作用   48-51   结论   51-52   注释   52-57   参考文献   57-60   在读期间论文清单   60-61   致谢   61-62  
