摘要 3-5 Abstract 5-6 Introduction 9-13 Chapter Ⅰ Advertisement and Advertisement Translation 13-26 1.1 General Description of advertising 13-20 1.1.1 Definition of Advertising 13-15 1.1.2 Types of Advertisement 15-16 1.1.3 Components of Advertisement 16-19 1.1.4 Functions of Advertising 19-20 1.2 Previous studies on advertising translation 20-26 1.2.1 Hurbin (1972) 20-21 1.2.2 Tatilon (1990) 21-22 1.2.3 Candace Seguinot(1995) 22-23 1.2.4 Smith &Klein-Braleo(1997) 23-24 1.2.5 Malhieu Guidere (2000) 24-25 1.2.6 Summary 25-26 Chapter Ⅱ German Functionalist Approach and Its Enlightenment on Advertising Translation 26-35 2.1 Background of the theory 26-27 2.2 The development of the theory 27-29 2.3 Main concepts of the theory 29-31 2.4 Enlightenment of the theory on ad translation 31-35 Chapter Ⅲ Advertising Translation Strategies in the Light of Functionalist Approach 35-72 3.1 Target-Language Orientation Strategy of Advertising Translation 35-59 3.1.1 Target Language Orientation on Lexical Level 36-43 3.1.2 Target Language Orientation on Syntactic Level 43-49 3.1.3 Target language Orientation on Rhetorical Level 49-59 3.2 Target -Culture Orientation Strategy of Advertising Translation 59-70 3.2.1 Monism versus Pluralism or Dualism 62-64 3.2.2 Collectivism versus Individualism 64-69 3.2.3 Past Orientation versus Future Orientation 69-70 3.3 Summary 70-72 Chapter Ⅳ Advertising Translation Techniques from the Perspective of Functionalist Approach 72-92 4.1 Literal Transfer 72-75 4.2 Amplification 75-77 4.3 Contraction 77-81 4.4 Adaptation 81-83 4.5 Imitation 83-86 4.6 Semantic Transliteration 86 4.7 Free Translation 86-88 4.8 Modeling Translation 88-90 4.9 Zero Translation 90-91 4.10 Summary 91-92 Chapter Ⅴ The Comprehensive Assessment of Advertising Translation Quality in 1ight of Functionalist Approach 92-106 5.1 Equivalent effect principle 92-94 5.2 Commercial effect in target culture standard 94-99 5.3 Comprehensive standard 99-106 Conclusion 106-109 Bibliography 109-112 Acknowledgement 112 |