
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25

结合国《少年司法最低限制尺度规矩》(即《北京规矩》)指出“少年司法应视为是在对一切少年实施社会公理周全规模内的列国成长过程中的一个构成部门,同时还应视为有助于掩护青少年和保护社会的安定次序”。少年司法轨制自1899年在美国伊利诺斯州出生以来已走过了100多年的漫长成长过程,其进程曲直折的。 就我国来说,自1984年12月上海市长宁区法院少年法庭出生以来,我们少年司法轨制已走过了20年的过程。我国少年司法轨制成长到如今面对着很多艰苦。全国少年法庭由1994岁尾的三十多个削减到二十多个。我国少年司法轨制面对着若何成长的成绩。“参考之资,可以攻玉”。本文经由过程对世界最早树立少年司法轨制的美国、少年司法轨制比拟完美的我国邻邦日本和与我国司法轨制邻近的联邦德国三国的少年司法轨制的发生成长及运转状态的比拟剖析,以期总结出一些我们成长少年司法轨制可以自创的经历。本文分为三年夜部门,个中第2、三部门为文章的主体,第二部门侧重引见美、日、德三国少年司法轨制成长概略,第三部门分离对美、日、德三国的审讯组织情势和管辖规模,和少年司法法式停止阐述比拟,并总结出差异,德语论文,第四部门为结语部门,提出虽然现今活着界规模内少年司法轨制遭到质疑,但以掩护少年权力为目标的少年司法轨制仍将持续存在并向前成长,我国司法任务者应增强对少年司法轨制蓬勃国度的实际和理论的研究,德语论文题目,使我国的少年司法轨制安康向前成长。


Combined with the juvenile judicial restrictions on the minimum scale rules "(the" Beijing Rules ") pointed out that the" juvenile justice should be regarded as in all the children of implementing social axioms comprehensive within the scope of the nations in the process of the growth of a part, should also be regarded as helps to protect adolescents and for the protection of the social stability and order ". The juvenile justice system since 1899 was born in Illinois, the United States has gone through 100 years long growth process, its process of the merits of the fold. As for China, since December 1984, Shanghai City, Changning District juvenile court since birth, our juvenile justice system has gone through the course of 20 years. China's juvenile justice system is now facing a lot of hard to grow. By the end of 1994 the national juvenile court cut to more than 20 30. China's juvenile justice system is facing how to grow the result. "Reference information, jade". The through the world the earliest establish juvenile justice system states, the juvenile justice system compared to perfect our neighbors Japan and adjacent to the judicial system of Federal Germany juvenile justice rail of the occurrence of growth and running state of comparative analysis, in order to summed up some of our growing juvenile justice system can create their own experience. This paper is divided into three departments, second big, three departments as the main body of the article, the second sector focuses on the United States, Japan and Germany the juvenile justice system in the third sector growth, separation of the United States, Japan and Germany in the form of organization and trial jurisdiction, and juvenile justice French exposition comparison, and summarizes the similarities and differences fourth, Department of the Department, although put forward in the world of juvenile justice system has been questioned, the juvenile justice system but to cover power as the target young will continue to exist and grow forward, China's judicial task should enhance the study of juvenile justice system in developed countries the theory and practice, to the young the judicial system of our country forward growth of Ankang.


一、引言   6-7   二、少年司法制度之界定   7-9   三、美、德、日少年司法制度发展概况   9-16       (一) 美国青少年司法制度发展概况   9-11       (二) 德国少年司法制度发展概况   11-12       (三) 日本少年司法制度发展概况   12-16   四、美、德、日少年司法制度之比较   16-40       (一) 少年审判机构组织形式及管辖范围比较   16-20           1. 美国审判机构组织形式及管辖范围   16-17           2. 德国审判机构组成形式及管辖范围   17-18           3. 日本审判机构组成形式及管辖范围   18-20       (二) 美、德、日少年司法程序比较   20-40           1. 美国少年司法程序   20-26           2. 德国少年司法程序   26-29           3. 日本少年司法程序   29-36           4. 美、德、日少年司法程序比较   36-40   五、结语   40-41   主要参考书目   41  
