
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



Herbert Butterfield (1979 1900) was a great British historian in twentieth Century. His academic attainments in the field of Christian theology, history, and international politics earned him international fame. The theme of this thesis is the international political thought of Butterfield. Butterfield's international political thought is closely related to his theological thoughts and historical studies. Augustin's theology not only shapes Butterfield's understanding of the process of humanity and history, but also the basic of his research on international political achievements. Butterfield accumulated in the historical research category also makes him hundreds of times in the analysis of international political achievements. The art of governing the country is the theme of Butterfield's international political thought. Butterfield F from the philosophy of human history and human history, from the history of international relations in the history of the experience of the war to find a state of the art of the arts. Butterfield's governing art important said in two aspects the first is on the international political subject matter familiar; the second aspect is to such as the balance of power and communication strategies for the practical analysis. The moral character of Christian color is the ultimate concern of Butterfield's international politics. Butterfield's deep concern for the influence of Christianity in the course of the war and the future of human history. This kind of deep emotional and moral Aaron glamorous theory in Butterfield's international political thoughts in the same coordinate. They are a major feature of Butterfield's international political thought, and it is also an important reason for its long-term value and significance.


内 容 摘 要   3-4   Abstract   4   序言   6-10   第一章 巴特菲尔德国际政治思想的渊源   10-23       第一节 巴特菲尔德的经历及其思想   10-15       第二节 欧美思想与巴特菲尔德国际政治思想的联系   15-23   第二章 巴特菲尔德国际政治思想的内容和探讨措施   23-42       第一节 奥古斯丁式的现实主义(AUGUSTINIAN REALISM)   23-26       第二节 巴特菲尔德的权力思想   26-28       第三节 巴特菲尔德的道德观   28-30       第四节 国际政治中的战争   30-33       第五节 寻求国际秩序的努力:均势、外交和国际秩序   33-38       第六节 巴特菲尔德国际政治思想的探讨措施   38-42   第三章 巴特菲尔德国际政治思想的特点和作用   42-53       第一节 巴特菲尔德国际政治思想的特点   42-46       第二节 巴特菲尔德国际政治思想的作用   46-53   第四章 巴特菲尔德国际政治思想评析   53-61       第一节 对巴特菲尔德国际政治思想的部分肯定   53-56       第二节 对巴特菲尔德国际政治思想的部分否定   56-61   结语 思考与启示   61-65   附录一 巴特菲尔德生平年表   65-67   附录二 巴特菲尔德主要著述年表及相关探讨状况   67-74   后记   74  
