
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



Modern China after the Opium War beginning gradual loss of identity and independence and become the venue for the great powers compete in the game, as a national portal of China Customs natural is no exception. The intervention of the Western powers to the Chinese modern customs into a compare institutions in particular, the course mechanism in China, all the rights belong to China, the vast Nianye sector personnel is Chinese, but with the operation is dominated by a majority of the foreigners, according to their form. To the Qing government, important especially in the management of customs is based on considering the external financial and foreign glue Gregory; of powers, they grasp the Department is to protect the vested interests of the discretion. To customs useful transport awkward make things difficult for both sides is beneficial, both sides also only to the customs adhere to the infinite interference, so that it has a certain independence. Customs of westernization and internationalization actually is not easy, but a Qing authorities and powers and column Qiangjian in theory continuously running and reconcile the process. The outside is customhouse for ego to try and influence, reality is great powers for the actual reaction of China. In this fight, the Germans are in the main position of the weak, and the British people have been living in the focal point of the arrangement. Because the customs is important as a fulfilling the vested interests rather than further reap the benefits of an object exists, to the powers of the important goal is through the process of excessive intervention to ensure its according to the contract stipulation normal operation instead of the full grasp. But in the process of modernization of China needs entrusted o-ver other than his own more space to play, all o-ver thus became the prologue to China's modernization. In the way foreigners entered the China customs is diverse, and complex target. The face is not only the fundamental public benefits considerations and decisions, and the interests of the state and the measure of choice. O-ver the ethnic based on, always is the Chinese national interests in the latent danger; but for the needs of China's modernization, the but again is indispensable. How fair measure, it is a very complex and secret result, the history has provided us with a lively stage here. The subject important carding and research of the stage of history of Sino German nationality customs officers of the movement, and to explore in the fusion of Chinese and western customs of German officers to measure trade-offs, and actual Sino foreign cooperation and exchange to provide some history created.


摘要   5-6   Abstracts   6   0 前言   8-12       0.1 探讨的缘起   8-9       0.2 探讨近况   9-12       0.3 文章的思路与结构   12   1、国际与国内形势   12-15       1.1 国际形势   12-14       1.2 国内形势   14-15   2、海关形势   15-21       2.1 海关洋员制度的由来   15-16       2.2 中德涉及海关问题的各种协定   16-21   3、中国海关中的德国   21-32       3.1 德璀琳   21-26       3.2 穆麟德   26-28       3.3 康发达   28-30       3.4 夏德   30       3.5 费拉尔   30-31       3.6 布廉恩   31       3.7 赫美玲   31-32       3.8 阿理文   32   4、结语   32-35   附表   35-40   参考文献   40-45   致谢   45-46   已的学术论文   46   个人简历   46  
