
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



My thesis is "reality and indecent point one three German writer into history". The basic literature of my dissertation is three books: Markel Lesi Ranitzky's autobiography, "my life", Heller Miller's autobiography, "not fighting a battle for a career in two kinds of dictatorship", and Gunter Glass's short story collection "my century". Also in order to make the indecent point not mere unilaterally. I also collect the many relevant information, together with the expenditure of the adjacency. My thesis has four departments: the evaluation on the eve of the Jewish slaughter, the postwar era, about the break of the German position and about the 1989 / 1990 Germany the same position. These four important departments are from the contents of the three works, and it is the history of Germany's major historical issues. The trying to through the autobiography this kind of literary style and the short story set the stylistic comparison, explain "indecent" historical limitations is the literary style has its own no relationship between years of night. The starting point of the paper is the relationship between history and autobiography. The display of history in fact not historical literature recorded the historical facts, but after three writers observations and analysis. In their works, and personal history is fate carefully together. An important feature of the paper is the author's multi angle. Three German writers belong to different groups. Therein Rani Ducky indecent point represents the oppression of the Jews, and glass and Miller's indecent point is well said the equipment the rift between the two parties and confrontation.


摘要   2   外文摘要   3-6   第一章: 引言   6-9       1.1 历史和自传的关系   6-7       1.2 《我的世纪》:一部对于20世纪的书   7-9   第二章:对犹太人大屠杀的评价   9-20       2.1 在集中营中的生活:马克尔·莱锡—拉尼茨基--犹太人大屠杀的见证人   9-13       2.2 集中营中的快乐和爱情   13-15       2.3 集中营起义   15-17       2.4 君特·格拉斯眼中的犹太人大屠杀   17-20   第三章:战后时期   20-26       3.1 被战胜的德国   21-23       3.2 德国人的自我意识   23-24       3.3 二战后对少数民族的敌意   24-26   第四章:关于德国的分裂的态度   26-38       4.1 两个德国:联邦民主共和国/德意志民主共和国   27-31           4.1.1 二战后德国的分裂   27-29           4.1.2 德国作家关于分裂的态度   29-31       4.2 东德的社会主义制度:苏联占领的结果   31-34       4.3 逃亡或者合并   34-38           4.3.1 “东德的人民起义”:1953年6月17日起义   34-36           4.3.2 从东向西的逃亡   36-38   第五章:关于德国1989/1990重新合并的态度   38-46       5.1 柏林墙的倒塌   39-42       5.2 统一后对德国和德国人的新定义   42-46           5.2.1 东西德之间的敌视   42-44           5.2.2 新的德国的发展   44-46   第六章 结论   46-50   缩写词   50-51   文献综述   51-53   攻读学位期间的探讨成果   53-54   致谢   54-55  
