
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



Ballad is a simple ballad, in Europe form in the early Middle Ages. The earliest word of mouth of the situation to popular in the Germanic peoples of the underlying National Central, and give these plain near family left a precious cultural heritage. At the end of the 18th century, ballad in Germany inspired new prosperity, which with the meantime Germany's political, economic, and cultural behind is related closely. The German Enlightenment thinkers thought to change the state of Germany outdated, required from the mining folk literature hands, because of the folk literature and special folk song, is the source of the plain near family life force and creative ability. German literature gained brilliant achievements and promoted the development of national politics and economy through Germany's several generations of writers and writers. Youth, in the Chinese New Culture Movement and the vigorous development of the era of Feng Zhi, like the many young people like it, hope country strong, they thought literature can save the country falling dilemma, Feng Zhi from the ballad in the prosperous German inspiration, imitate the form of ballad, creating a four narrative poems, has achieved great accomplishments in the embryonic period of Chinese classical poetry. From the point of view of the situation, the German ballad shape are homogeneous, finishing, in the lengthy coverage with the third person on a complete story. Feng Zhi receives the ballad the situation of many of the characteristics, application of his narrative poems, so that his narrative poems in terms of shape rhythms, rhetorical finesse, discusses the means of application, showing peculiar aesthetic value, and the ancient Chinese narrative poetry situation on the growth of hair has certain influence. From the aspect of content, deep influence of German ballad Lin Feng Zhi's narrative poems on the theme and the theme. Through process of natural images and died dead image, you can see the effect of ballads in the secret doctrine color of Feng Zhi's epic theme; through incompatible with the process of life and art, humanity, exile and homecoming, it can be seen that the German ballad in the theme of Feng Zhi's epic Pro effect. Through the meticulous process between the text compared to start from two aspects of the situation and content, and joint Feng to the era background, can be invented, Fengzhi narrative poem by ballad influence of ancient Chinese poetry development to make extraordinary contributions. Whether in the excavation of the aesthetic speech space, the expression of the ancient Chinese, and so on in the development of the theme of narrative poetry, Feng Zhi's contribution is undoubtedly great.


论文摘要   2-3   Abstract   3   引言   5-10   第一章 谣曲在德国的发展及其冯至对谣曲的接受   10-15       一、谣曲及其在德国繁荣的背景   10-12       二、冯至对谣曲的接受   12-15   第二章 德国谣曲对冯至诗歌形式的作用   15-25       一、诗的外形及音韵节奏的作用   15-19       二、反复层层加深的修辞   19-20       三、第三人称限制性叙述   20-23       四、情节的突出   23-25   第三章 德国谣曲对冯至诗歌内容的作用   25-37       一、题材的作用   25-30       二、主题的作用   30-37   结语   37-39   参考文献   39-42   攻读学位期间的探讨成果   42-43   致谢   43-44  
