
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



From September 1944 to January 1946 and 1958 6 years to two years, De Gaulle as the supreme leader in charge of the French regime. In these two times, the De Gaulle administration's Federal Germany Policy (the first time in the era of all German policy) is the focus of its communication policy. During this time of about 12 years, De Gaulle has continued the tradition of France to Germany policy, but also has its own style of communication. Have a far-reaching influence on the policy of French and German foreign policy, the world pattern changes. The full text is divided into six departments: the first part, "Introduction"". This paper introduces the significance of the research, research status, writing methods and research ideas. The second sector, "the succession of traditional: the nose of the nose of the policy". This paper describes the De Gaulle in the first in time, to continue the traditional policy of France to Germany, the German policy division. Because the basic change of French strength decline and the international format, De Gaulle dismember Germany policy failure. The third sector, "attention to the reality: the fight against the German interest, cooperation and deterrence policy". After the article elaborated De Gaulle to step down once again, to the policy on the Fourth Republic: on the one hand, France and Germany as the axis, promote the combination of Western Europe, complete the Franco German interest dispute, in the framework of cooperation with Western Europe; on the other hand, he does not forget the history of humiliation and France to become the world's great ambition, the spring the implementation of the policy of deterrence in germany. The combination of the two, consisting of the important contents and features of the second De Gaulle's in the spring of the Federal Republic of Germany policy. The fourth sector, "good entanglements: 60 years early months out of france". The article starts with the Federal Republic of Germany to guide people change, analyzes the two countries in 60 months earlier the appropriate representation and reason. Fifth Department, "Ezawa later: De Gaulle in the era of German policy communication influence". The article on De Gaulle again came to power the reason to stop the discussion. At the same time, the influence of the French social policy on the De Gaulle doctrine is a special effect on the German policy. Sixth departments, "concluding remarks". An important feature of De Gaulle's in the era of the spring of the Federal Republic of Germany, the characteristics of the analysis of the summary and analysis.


摘要   4-5   Abstract   5-6   绪论   9-12       一、选题意义   9       二、探讨近况   9-11       三、写作措施与探讨思路   11-12   第一章 承继传统:处处碰壁的对德政策   12-23       第一节 承继历史传统与恢复法国的大国地位   12-15       第二节 戴高乐肢解德国的政策及其策略   15-18       第三节 戴高乐第一次归隐和肢解德国政策的破产   18-23   第二章 正视现实:对德和解、合作与威慑并存的政策   23-46       第一节 戴高乐东山再起   23-24       第二节 戴高乐政府对第四共和国外交政策的继承   24-30           一、继续推进法德和解、合作   25-27           二、继续保持对联邦德国的军事威慑   27-30       第三节 对联邦德国的和解、合作政策   30-39           一、在西欧联合框架下的对德政策   30-33           二、第二次柏林危机时的对德政策   33-36           三、法德合作友好条约   36-39       第四节 对联邦德国的军事威慑政策   39-46           一、间接的威慑:"脱而不离"的大西洋政策   39-41           二、心理上的威慑:坚持发展以独立核力量为核心的国防力量   41-44           三、现实的威慑:继续在德驻军   44-46   第三章 利益纠葛:60年代中后期的法德分歧   46-57       第一节 阿登纳下台及其继任者对其外交政策的调整   46-48       第二节 60年代中后期的法德分歧   48-54           一、在对超级大国政策上的分歧   48-49           二、在西欧联合问题上的分歧   49-51           三、在防务安全问题上的分歧   51-53           四、在货币问题上的分歧   53-54       第三节 法德分歧的原因   54-57   第四章 惠泽后世:戴高乐执政时期对德政策的外交作用   57-61       第一节 戴高乐黯然下台   57-58       第二节 戴高乐执政时期对德政策的外交作用   58-61   结语   61-64   附录一 参考文献   64-67   附录二 读研期间的学术论文   67-68   附录三 戴高乐执政时期法德关系大事记   68-75   后记   75  
