(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 在青岛短短的百年汗青中,其间已经三次沦为帝国主义列强的殖平易近地。但由于被德国与日本占据的缘由,青岛的德式修建成长非常的敏捷,分歧作风分歧国度的修建在青岛常常可以见到,是以青岛被称为“万国修建展览会”。分歧于其余城市许多现代甚至近古代修建许多都遭到损坏,青岛的汗青修建年夜多被根本无缺地保留上去。(1)懂得青岛修建的成长过程青岛德租时代的修建其时社会成长形状的集中反应,商量其时青岛的修建可以加倍懂得到青岛这个城市是若何成长的,以德租时代的修建遗存来研究与认知其时社会的成长状态,德语专业论文,从社会、经济、文明等方面临其时的社会停止周全的展现,进而周全地熟悉修建成长的汗青进程,懂得青岛德式修建的全貌。(2)懂得德国警员署原址的成长及其修建作风德国警员署原址有着百年的汗青,其汗青在青岛德式史中也占领很主要的地位。德国警员署原址的修建最早由德国人所建,有其奇特的修建作风我愿望经由过程此次的研究尽量多的将这些材料保留上去。(3)奇特的汗青形状发生的奇特的城市作风青岛的修建在德当局的同一计划治理下,城市成长非常敏捷。德国人对青岛采用了同一的计划,充足斟酌了修建与天然和协调同一,但他们所建的每栋修建都有着奇特的作风,德语论文范文,这些都让其时的青岛具有着光鲜的特点。(4)青岛今后该若何扶植成长若何掩护这些修建一向以来,青岛在中国德式史上有侧重要的位置,但在青岛的成长进程中,人们栖身的情况愈来愈好,建高架桥、高层栖身区等等。但在扶植的进程中,许多有着汗青价值修建物乃至一些老街区被损坏、撤除。商量青岛的汗青修建对于掩护这些汗青修建街区,复原这些汗青修建的原貌有主要的意义。 Abstract: In Qingdao a hundred years of history, which has become the three imperialist colonies. But because of the reason of Germany and Japan occupied, Qingdao German construction growth is very quick, on the construction of the different styles of different countries in Qingdao can often be seen is in Qingdao, known as the "10000 State Building Expo". Different from the rest of the city near the ancient building of many modern and even many are damaged, the Qingdao historical building have mostly been no lack of retention. (1) know Qingdao built in the growth process of Qingdao rent building era in the meantime social growth form concentrated reaction, to discuss in the meantime built Qingdao can double know the city of Qingdao is how to develop the, in German rent era building remains to research and cognition in the meantime social growth state, from the aspects of social, economic, cultural and other pro privileged social stop comprehensive show and comprehensive familiar construction growth history, know Qingdao German construction of the whole. (2) know German police department site development and construction style German police department site has a hundred years of history, the history in Qingdao German history also occupied very important position. German police department site built the first by the German built, its peculiar architectural style I hope through the study of the process as much as possible more will these material to keep up. (3) construction of the peculiar history shape the unique city style of Qingdao in de Bureau of project governance, urban growth very agile. Germans in Qingdao using the plans of the same, fully consider the construction and natural and coordination of the same, but their each building have peculiar style, these let in the meantime of Qingdao has bright characteristics. (4) of Qingdao in the future how to foster growth how cover these construction has always been, Qingdao in the history of Chinese products has important position, but in the growth process in Qingdao, people living condition is getting better and better, built viaduct, high-rise living area and so on. But in the construction process, there are many historical buildings and some old neighborhoods were damaged and removed. The discuss of Qingdao history built on screening history these building blocks, the recovery of these historical building the original appearance of major significance. 目录: 摘要 8-9 Abstract 9-10 第1章 绪论 11-16 1.1 课题的来源及研讨目的和意义 11-13 1.1.1 课题来源 11 1.1.2 探讨目的 11-12 1.1.3 德占时期青岛建筑的发展 12-13 1.2 青岛城市建筑的相关探讨 13-15 1.2.1 国内探讨近况 13-14 1.2.2 国外探讨近况 14-15 1.3 课题探讨的内容和措施 15-16 第2章 青岛市德国警察署旧址的概况 16-23 2.1 青岛溯由来 16-18 2.2 初期建筑的时代背景 18-20 2.3 青岛市德国警察署旧址发展历程概况 20-23 第3章 殖民时期青岛建筑的发展 23-43 3.1 德入侵前的青岛原始建筑形态 23-29 3.1.1 青岛原始建筑的特点 23-25 3.1.2 具有传统特色的原始建筑 25-29 3.2 德占时期对青岛城市形态的作用 29-37 3.2.1 青岛外来建筑的产生 30-31 3.2.2 德占时期青岛不同风格的西式建筑实例 31-37 3.3 青岛殖民地背景下的城市交通及市政设施 37-41 3.4 殖民地背景下的青岛对周边区域经济格局的深远作用 41-43 第4章 青岛市德国警察署旧址的建筑特点与风格 43-48 4.1 青岛市德国警察署旧址建筑的细部特点 43-46 4.2 西方建筑与中国建筑相融合的新建筑形式 46-48 第5章 结论 48-55 5.1 近代青岛城市建筑的价值 48-53 5.1.1 城市色彩的记忆 49-51 5.1.2 建筑历史文化的传承 51-53 5.2 青岛市历史建筑的维修与保护 53-55 参考文献 55-57 致谢 57 |