
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



War is the condition of the development of human society, there is no stable international situation of a war, any country and the growth of the people are unable to talk about. After the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee, Deng Xiaoping summarizes experience and the experience of history, and the international situation stopped superstition of the summary and the analysis, proposed the "war and growth" is the theme of the modern world two of the eve of the conclusions. At the beginning of the new century, war and development are still the themes of the period. Comrade Hu Jintao in the 60 anniversary of the establishment of a meeting of the leaders of the speech pointed out that the war is the basic conditions for the development of human society to complete the purpose. There is no war, not only new support can not be promoted, and the results of the previous growth will be extinguished because of the war. "Harmonious world" the most basic point is to protect the world peace and stability, in today's world, war and solid is supporting all of the most important, there is no war, no growth and improve are just castles in the air. Through the process of historical and realistic reflection and on actual performance review may be familiar to, identity and origin of non war for a long period of time by war and violence and dominate the battle of civilization, it can be said, in the past 20th century is a been hit deeply battle imprint of the century. To remove these effects from the war to the war, it is necessary to stop the war and violence in order to clear the world, to protect the world war, to create a war in order to teach the main thrust of the war. The thesis is the early in the war to teach the research of, is also the first of the German war teaches a fumble in the research of the open system, not only discusses the intrinsic and connotation of German war taught, introduced the modern German war taught practical ideological and theoretical exploration, and for modern German war taught still exist results stopped summarizes and concludes the inspiration, so as to make up the gap in this research field, for our country started the war taught supply must be created and guidance. First of all, as long as most of the current international war research scholars stopped the introduction related to the war theme, and teach academic scholars seldom open discussion, in this paper in the second departments, the details of the war and teachings, the focus is on the German war taught the internal stop and target system this second, in the third departments introduced the process before the 1945 German war taught growth; again, the teaching of modern German war in fourth, the fifth departments of the actual and theoretical teaching form of thought development were discussed, including practical aspects from the Second World War "to teach" in psychology as the starting point of the "actual onslaught", theoretical exploration includes kindergarten to senior school from the German war taught teaching theory can form. Said in the existing research material basically enough shows the modern German war taught, also make the international in this category blank. Initially, based on their study of German war education system, the sixth chapter of modern German war taught there are still results in to summarize and then obtains the German war taught in practical development and theoretical exploration has brought us inspired and created.

