
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



Recently, the Chinese English translation of tourism advertising theory has been greatly developed, but there is still a large amount of translation theory; at the same time, the Chinese English translation of tourism advertising has also gained a wealth of results, but still lack of adequate targeted. In view of the above results, this paper is based on the translation practice and methods of the translation, and thus constitutes a strategy of the Chinese English tourism advertising translation system, which is composed of the response of the point, the practice, the principle and the strategy. First of all, the paper to Jia Gump dialectical system as a guide, to Germany efficacy of feminist translation practice special is Hans Vermeer goal theory as the basis, proposed based on German utilitarianism of C-E tourism advertising translation system indecent point and philosophy in order to promote familiarity with the C-E translation of tourism advertisement. This kind of thinking and ideas, the translation of Chinese and English Tourism Advertising Translation in the whole is a kind of target or functional movement system, which is composed of the original text and the target text, the translator, the author, the reader, the user and the proposed. Then, this article takes the translation of the dialectical system of translation as a guidance, and puts forward the principles and Strategies of the translation of Chinese English Tourism Advertising Translation Based on the German efficacy principle. According to these principles and strategies, the translation of Chinese and English tourism advertisements should comply with the principles of the dialectical system, and maintain the advantages and the target, the cultural psychology of the readers, the advantages of the target, the concise language, the consistent rhythm and easy pronunciation. The research of this thesis is of theoretical and practical significance to the translation of Chinese English tourism advertisements. The proposed method is based on the idea that the Chinese English translation of tourism advertising translation system, which is based on the principle and strategy of the translation of Chinese English tourism advertising translation, can be applied directly to the translation theory of Chinese and English tourism advertising and to improve its effectiveness.


Acknowledgements   5-6   Abstract   6-7   摘要   8-9   Contents   9-11   Chapter One Introduction   11-15       1.1 Practical and Theoretical Settings of the Study   11-12       1.2 Objectives and Methodology of the Study   12-13       1.3 Contents and Structures of the Thesis   13-15   Chapter Two Literature Review   15-27       2.1 Studies of Advertising Translation and Findings   15-19       2.2 Studies of Tourism Translation and Findings   19-23       2.3 Studies of Tourism Advertising Translation and Findings   23-25       2.4 Limitations of Existing Studies   25-27   Chapter Three A German Functionalist Systemic View and Theory of Chinese-English Tourism Advertising Translation   27-49       3.1 Dialectical Systemic Philosophy of Translation   28-30           3.1.1 Dialectical Systemic View and Theory of Things in General   28           3.1.2 Dialectical Systemic Notion and Characterization of Translation   28-30       3.2 German Functionalist Theories of Translation   30-35           3.2.1 Concepts of Skopos, Aim, Purpose, Intention and Function   30-31           3.2.2 Concepts of Translation Brief   31-32           3.2.3 Roles in Translational Action   32-35       3.3 A German Functionalist Systemic View and Theory of Chinese-English Tourism Advertising Translation   35-49           3.3.1 Colloquial Features   36           3.3.2 Wording Features   36-40           3.3.3 Grammatical Features   40-44           3.3.4 Rhetorical Features   44-49   Chapter Four A German Functionalist Systemic Principle and Strategy System for Chinese-English Tourism Advertising Translation   49-62       4.1 German Functionalist Systemic Principles and Strategies of Translation   49-53           4.1.1 Dialectical Systemic Principles and Strategies of Translation   50           4.1.2 German Functionalist Rules and Strategies of Translation   50-53       4.2 German Functionalist Systemic Principles for Chinese-English Tourism Advertising Translation   53-56           4.2.1 Highlighting Function and Arousing Interest   53-54           4.2.2 Conforming to the Cultural Psychology of the Audience   54           4.2.3 Emphasizing Image Positioning and Unique Advantages of the Destination   54-55           4.2.4 Using Concise and Impressive Wording   55-56           4.2.5 Conforming to Rhythm and Being Easy to Pronounce   56       4.3 German Functionalist Systemic Strategies for Chinese-English Tourism Advertising Translation   56-62           4.3.1 Amplification   57-58           4.3.2 Omission   58-59           4.3.3 Adaptation   59-60           4.3.4 Analogy   60-62   Chapter Five Conclusion   62-65       5.1 Summary of the Study   62-63       5.2 Applications and Limitations of the Study   63-65   References   65-68   Publications   68  
