(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 德国社会平易近主党是德国具有百年汗青的老党,在其成长进程中曾屡次作为在朝党或参政党走上德国政坛,是德国政坛上一支弗成疏忽的力气。 20 世纪90 年月以来,德语毕业论文,在苏东剧变南北极格式终结、经济全球化迅猛成长和由此招致的本钱主义经济构造、社会构造涌现新更改的配景下,世界社会主义活动处于高潮,德国社会平易近主党也涌现了危机,面对着新的决定。在经由了思惟上的反思和实际与政策的调剂后,德国社会平易近主党又从新突起,博得1998 年年夜选,在阅历了十六年在野以后又成为德国在朝党。社平易近党下台后,提出了“新中央途径”的实际,对德国的经济、政治和社会政策停止了一系列的改造,重要表示在调剂经济纲要,树立以市场经济为主的经济框架;改造福利体系体例,树立讲究义务和责任的社会投资型国度;树立国民社会,从新定位国度、社会和国民的感化;停止党的改造,增进“党的古代化”;对外政策实施全球管理计谋,强调施展德国的年夜国感化。为了适应时期的成长和本钱主义新变更的请求,德国社会平易近主党力争构建平易近主社会主义新形式,争夺进一步在本钱主义领域内求得生计和成长。本文的构造为三个部门,先是论述了德国社平易近党“新中央途径”的发生的汗青配景,德语毕业论文,接侧重点阐述了“新中央途径”实际上的变更与政策上的实行,最初评析了“新中央途径”及对现代中国的自创。 Abstract: The German Social Democratic Party has hundred years history of the German old party, in its growth process has repeatedly as the ruling party or political party on German politics, is a German political effort put into neglect. The emergence of new changes with king since the beginning of the 1990s, ending in the Su Dong revulsion polar format, economic globalization rapid growth and thus incur capitalist economic structure and social structure under, the world socialist movement in the climax, the German Social Democratic Party is the emergence of the crisis, facing the new decisions. After thinking of reflection and practical and policy adjustment, the German Social Democratic Party and the new processes, won the 1998 year, after sixteen years in Germany later became the ruling party. Social Democratic Party to step down after, put forward the "new central way", of Germany's economic, political and social policy to stop the transformation of a series of important representation in regulating economic program, establish a market economy is the main economic framework; style of the reform of the welfare system, establish a pay attention to social investment state obligations and responsibilities; set up the national society, from the new orientation of the state, the society and the national action; stop the party transformation, enhance the party's ancient "; foreign policy implementation of the global management strategy, emphasizing display German big country effect. In order to adapt to the period of growth and capitalist new change request, the German social democracy in Democratic Party and strive to build democratic socialist new form for further in the field of capitalism obtain survival and development. The structure for the three departments, first discusses the German Social Democratic Party's "new central way" the historical background, then focus on describes the "new central way to actually change and policy implementation, initial assessment of the new central pathway and of modern China's own. 目录: 中文摘要 4-5 英文摘要 5 前言 6-8 一、“新中间道路”出台的背景 8-22 (一) 冷战前面临的危机及柏林纲领的出台 8-11 1. 20 世纪70 年代末面临的危机 8-9 2. 柏林纲领的制订与内容 9-11 (二) 冷战后面临新挑战和理论与政策的调整 11-22 1. 冷战后面临的新挑战 11-16 2. 理论的反思和政策的调整 16-22 二、“新中间道路”的理论和政策 22-51 (一) “新中间道路”的内容 23-29 1. 迎接经济全球化的挑战 24-26 2. 改革就业和社会保障制度 26-27 3. 重新定位国家的影响 27-29 (二)“新中间道路”政策的实施 29-45 1. 创造新经济 29-33 2. 建立社会投资型国家 33-37 3. 建立公民社会 37-40 4. 实行开放的组织路线 40-42 5. 实行全球治理战略 42-45 (三) “新中间道路”的作用 45-51 1. 促进了党的思想统一 45-46 2. 增加了对中间选民的吸引力 46 3. 达到了短期的经济增长 46-47 4. 面临的尴尬和困境 47-51 三、对“新中间道路”的评析与借鉴性思考 51-69 (一) “新中间道路”评析 51-60 1. 不断淡化意识形态色彩 52-53 2. 走新的福利国家现代化之路 53-54 3. 向选举型的政党的进一步改变 54-56 4. 把生态社会主义融入社会民主主义 56-58 5. 发展中出现的不确定因素 58-60 (二) “新中间道路”对当代中国的借鉴 60-66 1. 改革势在必行 60-62 2. 维护广大群众的根本利益 62-65 3. 长期目标和现实手段结合起来 65-66 (三) “新中间道路”未来的发展趋势 66-69 参考文献 69-77 |