
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



As Kant's practical philosophy to discuss "is widespread and must be relatively common sense how can" philosophy, theory to discuss "is widespread and must be relatively the moral law how to", Kant's international law practice is precisely to discuss for all time all state between the "is widespread and will forever war how to." War is the highest ever finish concept of Kant's international law thoughts. Kant about the war plans are based on this concept is the highest point. This philosophy is practical philosophy and philosophy of Kant's theory must request. So before this international law thought of Kant, it is extremely necessary to discuss the philosophy of Kant, this is the first part of the content. It focuses on the elaborate system of Kant's philosophy, that Kant's international law except as a part of the system in the position of the medium, which also shows that the Kant's international law thought of practical philosophy, philosophy, philosophy of law, such as can be traced to the same origin of philosophical origin. The second part of this article expounds the Kant's international law thought political ideological background, introduces Hobbes, Locke, Montesquieu and by Rousseau as representatives of the social contract on thoughts of Kant's thoughts, which is know the thought of international law also a necessary basic knowledge. The third sector which is the focus of the content of the whole article, with ancient international law to speak and tectonic interpretation of Kant's international law however, and with ancient international fath however compared to intended to ancient international law theory and the practice of Kant's thought of international law interpretation to and response. But Kant international fath however, ancestors is also the appraise of the divergent, the fourth part list of Kant's discussion of the most influential scholars of Habermas and Rawls important indecent point, and criticism of their indecent point for Kant defended. The initial conclusion discussed Kant's international fath however although have been born 200 years, but strange has extremely important practical significance with regard to the world of tomorrow.


中文摘要   4-5   Abstract   5   绪论   7-10       本探讨课题的学术背景及其意义   7-8       本探讨领域的探讨进展、有待深入探讨的问题   8-9       本探讨课题的主要探讨内容   9-10   第一章 从康德哲学的体系性看康德国际法思想的哲学渊源及其在康德哲学体系中的地位   10-18       1.1 康德哲学的体系性   10-11       1.2 康德的理论哲学   11-12       1.3 康德的实践哲学   12-14       1.4 康德的法权哲学   14-18   第二章 康德国际法思想的政治学思想背景   18-23       2.1 霍布斯自然状态学说对康德的作用   18-20       2.2 洛克的天赋人权学说对康德思想的作用   20-21       2.3 孟德斯鸠的权力分立学说对康德的作用   21-22       2.4 社会契约理论对康德的作用   22-23   第三章 康德的国际法思想概述   23-43       3.1 康德国际法思想的论证前提   23-24       3.2 康德国际法思想的最高理念—实现永久和平   24-25       3.3 康德的国际法思想的主要内容及现代国际法理论和实践对其的继承、回应和比较   25-43           3.3.1 康德的国际法主体论   25-26           3.3.2 康德的有关国家权利的保障论   26-32           3.3.3 康德的和平共处的思想   32-35           3.3.4 康德的互不干涉内政思想   35-36           3.3.5 康德的国家主权思想   36-39           3.3.6 康德的国际人道主义法思想   39-43   第四章 后世对康德国际法思想的质疑与批判   43-47       4.1 对康德国际法思想的质疑与批判   43-45       4.2 对“上述质疑和批判”的批判   45-47   结语   47-48   参考文献   48-51   在学期间的探讨成果   51-52   致谢   52  
