
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



This article is for the modern common sense elements of an article Zhang Junmai, a "New Republic of Germany," the interpretation of the text, the focus is on the analysis of Zhang Junmai's constitutional thinking. The thesis consists of five parts. In the introduction section, the author briefly introduces the modern intellectuals of the two themes: Enlightenment and salvation. Before the revolution of 1911, the common sense of people on how to save the country, constitute a Constitutional Party and the reactionary faction: the idea of the constitution to save the nation through the process, the reactionary ideas through the process of violent reaction to save the country. Zhang Junmai became a member of the constitutional party because of his idea of a constitution. In the first part of this paper, the author analyzes Zhang Junmai's understanding of the constitution of Weimar. This department is divided into two small departments. The first small department briefly describes Zhang Junmai's analysis of the institutional framework of the Weimar constitution, which is reflected in the compromise between the unitary system and the federal system, the compromise between the presidential system and the voluntary system, the compromise between the representative national and direct democratic system, and the form of socialism. The smallest department focus on analysis of Zhang Junmai's constitution of the "Weimar constitution" rail system architecture energy know how important is: the same energy, the country don't ya when neutrality and citizens of parliamentary politics. In the second section of this paper, the author analyzes Zhang Junmai's understanding of the "Chinese achievements" in the review of the constitution of the New Republic of germany. Zhang Junmai wrote this comment is not simply introduced the Weimar constitution, but by the German with China in the national conditions of the similarities, he think of China, made modern China why not a good constitutional question. Through the process, Germany's match and Zhang Junmai on the political situation in China not Yacha he attributes to the wisdom of the Chinese national knowledge force, moral force is not high. This is the "Chinese achievement" he pays close attention to, and this should be handled through teaching. At the same time, in view of the "Weimar constitution" rail system architecture ornamental, Zhang Junmai in after the drafting of the "National Conference constitution draft and the Chinese plain near state constitution draft" show and the "Weimar constitution" rail system, Zhang Junmai in China national intellectual insight is not high, still take the similar "Weimar constitution" the rail system design. This is Zhang Junmai is unable to choose, his pursuit of the salvation of the "second best" roads. In the third section of this paper, the author analyzes Zhang Junmai's "constitutional government" in the New Republic of Germany. He thinks that politics is the basic of the citizen of a country ". And in the meantime Chinese citizens is not high, Zhang Junmai idea through the process of constitution when neutrality to deal with the parties to the dispute, in exchange for temporary wars, this is he holds in high esteem the "Weimar constitution", the basic reason. Visible Zhang Junmai fascinated with the democracy is a Kantian idealism, is a thought of gradual improvement, which demonstrated the liberal indecent. And with the period of German jurist Carl Schmitt think politics is a political decision, he thought the "Weimar constitution" concessions on the political decision of false concessions, reality cheated in the German national had made a decision. This is the case, but these concessions in Schmitt seems to make the "Weimar constitution" with a strong transition color. Schmitt's comments on the "Weimar constitution" let us get a review of the Zhang Junmai constitution, a ruler, so that Zhang Junmai can see nothing more than the "Weimar constitution" a superficial. In the concluding section of this article, the author takes Zhang Junmai as an example to reflect the way of saving the nation from the ancient Chinese liberal intellectuals. Zhang Junmai thought that a good constitution, a good citizen would be able to save China, which is the idea of a sophisticated liberal. The reality has proved that they have failed, but the liberal intellectuals who have made the best efforts for the Chinese constitutionalism are still admired by us.

