
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



80 years of the 20th century mid early Japan's experience with the current, China has a strikingly similar, facing in recent years gengxu national currency devaluation, people began to worry about the future of China's economy will go the way of Japan. In order to prevent the depreciation of the RMB continuously negative impact to the real economy, Chinese authorities and the national bank is also frequent the microeconomic to stop interfering in the. These China interference on the future economic continuous increase can play role, need to negotiate and hone. The chapeau with TOPSIS method and from the GDP level and the microeconomic policies increase the method of four of the eve of the objective, the national competitiveness and economic side facing Japan and Germany in token of the eve of the amplitude value before and after micro economic state to carry on the comparison. After all, Japan's economic history itself and no matter compared with the same time as Germany match, there must be the exact level of "lost". Lead to the Japanese economy "lost" there are many reasons, the focus of this paper is discussion with currency devaluation of macroeconomic regulation and control policy of long-term economic increase and growth of usefulness. Through the process of in the face of a strange coins of the eve of the amplitude of the devaluation of the take the market as the leading German and the government dominated by Japan, the analogy between the government and the central bank the financial policy and monetary policy intermediary goal, the conclusion obtained is: strange currency devaluation, German and Japanese government regardless of coping in the monetary policy still financial policy, there are certain differences, Japan, Germany, the exact better adhere to the monetary policy independence, and the German authorities and the central bank to exchange rate fluctuations of the interference level to far lower than Japan. Then, this paper further between the two countries to cope with currency devaluation of the micro economic policy (including monetary policy and fiscal policy) to the real economy effects of compare and analysis: application of historical data between the two empirical discipline, in recognition of the two countries with currency depreciation of the micro regulation of the intermediary and economic increase and growth of the quantitative relationship. Empirical research conclusion is: between the two countries to cope with exchange rate fluctuations of macroeconomic regulation and control policy on the real economy impact differences, whether it is monetary policy still financial policy means, the more market-oriented or consistent with market discipline more on economic increase and economic growth to display a positive role, and wages of administrative interference in the wrist, most can only in a short period of time cast a role, long-term is effective. Since the response to exchange rate fluctuations of macroeconomic regulation and control policy from the long-term is effective, the end of economic growth can continue to increase future priorities for the authorities might say policy guidance should be what? Therefore, the author from the production function for the Cobb Douglas tradition, will increase the economic factor in the population, the crux of backtracking cost and innovation skills of the three big "the original" identity is through the process of Japan and Germany and more open debate on the empirical, the conclusion is obtained: population aging, low efficiency of investment and the lack of innovation is an important reason to 70's of the last century who "vigorous and give the first stride" of Japan's economic recession; and Germany is also facing the problem of aging population, but did not become a German and hinder to limit economic growth; grasp the investment focus, focus control skills, skills development and innovation continuously is the main factor the German economy long-term stable increase. In the first section, put forward head named the devaluation of RMB, should learn from Japan's experience and study the experience of Germany, from China's reality, authorities and central banks excessive interference about the economy's long-term increase and no benefit, in order to complete China's economic future continuous growth, except the exchange rate, interest rate and other market main body of market, regulation and control policy should also double the market, and the focus of government micro regulation should be to improved population structure and improve the rest nature, luring investment at reasonable cost and encourage technology innovation.

