
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



Fear of the stretch, to the country and people have brought disaster, the countries are actively formulate and perfect its anti-terrorism legislation to prevent and attack terrorism terrorism. Germany, as the main member of the European Union, in the fight against international terrorism in the struggle to play an important role in the side, paid a great effort, and accumulated a certain experience. Because Germany is the same as our country is the most common law countries, although the judicial system differences, but there are many places worth learning and self. In the "9.11" issues, Germany in January 2002 9 by the Senate in favor of the Federal Parliament through the process of the German anti International Terrorism Act, useful period to January 2017. The law is the German international current rejected terrorism category of judicial stop modification. The goal is to fill the existing judicial rips, better attack and prevention of terrorism crime. As a continuation of the law, in January 2017 5 German Federal Parliament through the process of "Anti Terrorism Law" for germany. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, the paper is divided into the following four departments chapeau, briefly introduced the "German International Anti Terrorism Law" legislative summary, contain the growth of legislation, legislative background and legislative form; secondly, it expounds the content of the legislation, on the basis of and the relations between the content of Nianye divided into nine aspects. Thirdly, the legislation stop analysis, proceed from the three aspects of legislation, legislative value and legislation of the consequences. Initially, attributed inspiration of the legislation and discusses on China's anti-terrorism legislation internally generated.


中文摘要   3-4   Abstract   4   引言   7-8   一、《德国反国际恐怖主义法》的立法概况   8-19       (一) 立法发展   8-9       (二) 立法背景   9-15           1. 国际背景   10-12           2. 区域背景   12-13           3. 国内背景   13-15       (三) 立法模式   15-19           1. 立法模式的分类   15-17           2. 立法模式的评析   17-19   二、《德国反国际恐怖主义法》的立法内容   19-26       (一) 赋予情报部门和司法部门更大的权限   19-20       (二) 加强情报部门与司法部门之间的协助   20-21       (三) 扩大披露德国公民的生物特征信息   21       (四) 扩大披露外国人信息的范围   21-23       (五) 加强航空安全的应对策略   23-24       (六) 控制敏感部门的工作人员   24-25       (七) 严格管理外国人团体   25-26       (八) 实施网络搜寻   26       (九) 其它规定   26   三、《德国反国际恐怖主义法》的立法评析   26-38       (一) 立法特色   27-30           1. 立法模式   27-28           2. 立法的时效性   28-29           3. 扩张行政权力   29           4. 实体与程序兼顾   29-30           5. 涉及预防、处置等内容   30       (二) 立法价值   30-34       (三) 立法效果   34-38           1. 树立欧盟核心国家新形象   34           2. 树立综合治理的反恐新理念   34-36           3. 推动对恐怖主义根源的反思   36-38   四、《德国反国际恐怖主义法》之启示及我国反恐立法之完善   38-49       (一) 《德国反国际恐怖主义法》之启示   38-40           1. 人权保障的失衡   38-39           2. 注重国际反恐合作   39-40           3. 注重超前性立法   40       (二) 我国反恐立法之完善   40-49           1. 我国反恐立法的近况   40-44           2. “恐怖活动犯罪”的界定   44-45           3. 进行专门的反恐立法   45-49   结语   49-50   参考文献   50-54   后记   54  
