
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



Our research object is Germany's post-war Gunter ranbow, Uwe Lers, Gent Kaiser, Hollego Mathis these four big poster design division of the work, the interpretation of the works of civilization, political background and manufacturing skills in change and growth makes the visual category face uneven current graphics and image level continuously, in this context we need attention, to study graphic speaking tradition, traditional heritage is looking for a new understanding and symbiosis condition. The main research methods are literature research, case study, system research, general induction and generalization. This paper is to analyze and summarize the relevant practice. From the three large three-dimensional design composition, graphic analysis and hands-on learning to speak German poster design posters on Nianye division views and creative ideas, the information conveyed in the present brightly coloured face, from the traditional looking into their heritage in the design of position for energy; engaged in the design of teaching task from reference in a poster teaching can progress information, design and presentation skills to learners to view.


摘要   5-6   Abstract   6   绪论   7-9   第一章 金特·凯泽的设计风格探寻   9-13       1.1 金特·凯泽的艺术生涯回顾   9-10       1.2 金特·凯泽的创作理念   10-11       1.3 金特·凯泽的著作略论   11-12       1.4 金特·凯泽的设计风格小结   12-13   第二章 冈特·兰堡的设计风格探寻   13-20       2.1 冈特·兰堡的艺术生涯回顾   13-14       2.2 冈特·兰堡的创作理念   14-16       2.3 冈特·兰堡的著作略论   16-19       2.4 冈特·兰堡的设计风格小结   19-20   第三章 霍尔戈·马蒂斯的设计风格探寻   20-23       3.1 霍尔戈·马蒂斯的艺术生涯回顾   20-21       3.2 霍尔戈·马蒂斯的创作理念   21       3.3 霍尔戈·马蒂斯的著作略论   21-22       3.4 霍尔戈·马蒂斯的设计风格小结   22-23   第四章 乌韦·勒施的设计风格探寻   23-28       4.1 乌韦·勒施的艺术生涯回顾   23       4.2 乌韦·勒施的创作观念   23-25       4.3 乌韦·勒施的著作略论   25-26       4.4 乌韦·勒施的设计风格小结   26-28   结论   28-29   附录一:德国近现代海报设计流派探讨大事记   29-33   附录二:1893-1980 年德国政治、文化对平面设计的作用和关系略叙(纲要)   33-38   注释   38-39   参考文献   39-41   致谢   41  
