
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



Later, China is in rapid economic growth and social comprehensive transformation of the crux of the era, vast country vigorously and post modern countries experience notes, this era is also the social conflict period, said for the group of matters, the cadres and the masses in the conflict and conflict, economic situation change unfathomable and policy authorities lag and continuity is not strong,. In order to cope with the financial crisis impact, central authorities timely, arbitrary launched four trillion investment plans, local authorities also used financial strength to actively intervene in the economy growth, and China has achieved certain results. As can be seen, the government's financial policy on economic growth has a very significant role in promoting. But how reasonable and efficient use of the authority of the financial capital, establish a standard, strict financial budget system, which is difficult for the world's countries. Brazil's intrusive budget is a progress financial capital application efficiency, capital of social fairness and justice is assigned superior policies, it through the process of attracting national intervention, entrusted with the people directly exercise their democratic rights, by national and local authorities with planning the use of financial funds to negotiate a resolution. Theory has proved that Brazil's transformation is very successful. The differences in Brazil Germany intrusive budget. This paper through the process to Berlin, Germany lichten Berg intrusive budgetary sources, produce, growth process of assessment, to ascertain the German intrusive budget, enhance the government's legitimacy of basic, and promote administration management modernization, to deal with increasingly stringent financial dilemma and heavy financial pressure. Then analyzes the Berlin Lichtenberg local government budget policy by Ruo He intrusive public consultation process and the national financial budget formulation and performance, to develop methods of national intervention, including national party, community residents in the meeting, the questionnaire survey, the Internet platform for dialogue, telephone consultation, technical guidance such opportunities, Ruo He administration and the innovation of financial information underground methods, including the Internet, national conference, public media, posters, holiday celebrations, Ruo He build a variety of national authorities and communication channels, the progress of the national intervention, promote the exercise of national democratic power, improving administrative efficiency, treatment the lack of financial results. The theory confirms the German intervention budget system and achieved certain results. Germany and China's current situation is very similar, facing the strange economic and social performance, the tax reform in 2003, local authority financial state of unprecedented important, important relation between the cadres and the masses to stimulate the conflict and conflict have repeatedly emerged. Although China stopped some intrusive budget experiment, however there are some places where the lack of, like insufficient information transparent, institutional supply lag, lack of social justice, to intervene in the main constraints to a single intervention rate higher. If able to create their own fumble in Berlin Lichtenberg underground information, national intervention, political consultation and perfect the lower plain near the main experience in promoting, a fill theory in China by the lack of places, break through the existing financial predicament, reform the lower plain near the main management format, the implementation of direct democracy rail system has great significance.

