
资料分类免费西语论文 责任编辑:姗姗老师更新时间:2017-06-07

佐藤春夫文学界中的自我探析一以《西班牙犬的家》及《美丽的都市》为中心Misaki Sato Haruo's self seeking in the world of literature to explore a "Spanish dog's home" and "beautiful city" as the center




Misaki Sato Haruo is on a par with Akutagawa Ryunosuke's big positive period on behalf of the writer, but research on Misaki Sato Haruo's literary works at present is relatively sparse, and more than half are concentrated in his masterpiece "Pastoral" on melancholy. "Sad" is actually a major theme of Misaki Sato Haruo's literature, but in the discussion of "melancholy" at the same time, we should not miss his "self visit" sign. Misaki Sato Haruo was feeling sad at the same time, also eliminate the sad way unceasingly visits. This paper is to "home" and "Spanish dogs will" pretty the two "Pastoral" and almost the sadness of the same age published works as a reference text, detailed discuss self Misaki Sato Haruo visits footprints. Will Misaki Sato Haruo be in depression for free spirits and turned to the pursuit of natural scenery pastoral assistance. But rely on fantasy and redemption but failed to help him escape pastoral lonely and sad situation. The great contrast between fantasy and reality, so that he lost the self positioning. But he was slim, but also more actively seeking self. After all, he invented the "home" and "Spanish dogs are pretty" as the representative of the non real world. In the "Spanish dog home", the hero follow dog left the woods, invented the full Spanish dog home ideal means. In this process, the hearing and vision one one recovery, the protagonist from the original consciously follow the growth of the unconscious to visit, which can be said to be self aware of the awakening, it can be called the process of self invention. Unfortunately, the water wheel, clock, etc. has denied that the Spanish dog image one one, eventually led to the invention of this self test failed. But Misaki Sato Haruo has not abandoned, but its vision to the more rich than the actual means of artistic world "will be" pretty. "Pretty" will describe, Kawasaki, artist E, old technician T these three artists will design the posture of fantasy. Although this one perceives the lack of actual basic support, and the location of Zhongzhou his behavior had predicted pretty will fail, but the author Misaki Sato Haruo in the know pretty will be impossible to complete all at the same time, they built a studio one. This can be said to do not want to abandon the art of seeking, and the desire to self visit to further deep down Misaki Sato Haruo's posture. That is to say, after entering into the "beautiful" will be the world of art, Misaki Sato Haruo eventually found itself as an artist's presence, and continued to describe the art world to eliminate worry and depression by itself? Target. He is in the middle of the "aesthetic feeling", and he is not hard to walk between fantasy and reality. The art world is his home, the home that he can live at ease.

