
资料分类免费西语论文 责任编辑:姗姗老师更新时间:2017-06-07

查理五世统治下的帝国及其欧洲争霸战争Charlie V under the rule of the Empire and the European War




Charlie V (reigned 1519-1556) is known for its dozens of Guijue titles and ruled the area of the vast empire. He is the most powerful kings of Europe in sixteenth Century, his empire about European royal political achievements panqin. Habsburgs, Royal Burgundy, Spanish Castilian and Aragonese Royal Panqin will in the meantime the land of four European countries rely on the marital relationship and merged in the name of Charles V. Attached to his family's strong political strength, Charlie also get access to the Holy Rome empire the title of emperor, become fully deserve European hegemony. Charlie V for busy fighting for hegemony. Care about in the eve of the battle, he repeatedly frustrated in the weak adversary -- King Francis I of France; to strive for hegemony in the Mediterranean, he and the Ottoman Empire Suleiman Nianye open violent fight; however in Germany, but he mired in religious reformation cause of vassal battle and, ultimately, is to declared abdicated. Charlie V and its European hegemony battle to 16 -- seventeenth Century European history had great influence. He pioneered the hegemony of Spain during the period and for the glory of the Spanish laid the political and military. European hegemony in the battle to accelerate the decline of Italian cities, and promote the European strategy in the middle of the westward movement; in addition, the era of frequent fighting objectively enhance the reform of military technology Qiao.


摘要   4-5   ABSTRACT   5-6   引言   9-11   一、帝国的形成及特点   11-25       (一) 帝国的形成   11-21           1. 15世纪末的欧洲政治形势   11-13           2. 查理五世家族世系及其对家族领地的继承   13-17           3. 查理五世当选神圣罗马帝国国王及其加冕   17-21       (二) 查理五世治理帝国的成就及其帝国的特点   21-25           1. 治理帝国的成就   21-23           2. 帝国的特点   23-25   二、查理五世在欧洲的争霸战争   25-47       (一) 查理五世与意大利战争   25-33           1. 意大利战争简介   25-26           2. 从马里尼安战役到帕维亚战役   26-29           3. 罗马浩劫--波伦亚加冕(1526--1530年的战争)   29-31           4. 1530年以后的意大利战争   31-33       (二) 查理五世与奥斯曼帝国的战争   33-39           1. 争夺匈牙利的战争   34-37           2. 地中海争霸战争   37-39       (三) 查理五世与德意志新教诸侯的战与和   39-47           1. 信仰分歧的产生   39-41           2. 德国宗教战争(施马尔卡登同盟的形成--施马尔卡登战争)   41-44           3. 第二次施马尔卡登战争和查理五世的失败及退位   44-47   三、帝国及其争霸战争的作用   47-52       (一) 查理五世开创了西班牙的霸权时代   47-49       (二) 欧洲争霸战争加速了欧洲战略中心的西移   49       (三) 争霸战争对军事技术革新的促进影响   49-52   结语   52-53   注释   53-59   附录   59-63   致谢   63-64   攻读学位期间的学术论文   64  
