
资料分类免费西语论文 责任编辑:姗姗老师更新时间:2017-06-07

视听翻译喜剧效果的外译探讨一以英美情景喜剧汉西翻译为例The comedy in the translation of audiovisual translation of a translation to Hency comedy Anglo American scenario




Huntington (Huntington, 1993) put forward the "conflict of civilization" theory. During the period of globalization, nations recognize the cross-cultural exchange and the need, China also in all respects pursued "open" strategy and "going out" strategy,, to know his country's culture, in international exchange in cut clash of civilizations. The digital media era, gradually gave way to audio-visual media, audio-visual media has become the main carrier of cross-cultural exchange. An increasing number of special is the Anglo American countries, television and film work is widely spread in the world, response, appropriate dubbing and subtitling has major significance. The funny translation as the breakthrough point chapeau summary attributed the tragic situation and characteristics of film dubbing restricted factors, then analyze the response should comply with the translation principles (descriptive translation perspective). To reach in the target language indecent masses in the source language and the audience a kind of tragic consequences, the tongue should use certain translation strategy to deal with different languages and cultural load caused by the difficulties of translation. Initially, through qualitative and quantitative research invention because of the dominant position of the Anglo American culture, Chinese and Spanish translator are biased in favor of in the respect of the original strategy. Chinese, English and Spanish and their neighboring Spanish Translator makes civilization attach great importance to "adhere to the original". In addition, the application of the middle - aged and night - volume collection is more supported by the tragic consequences. Chinese and Spanish are the largest and most widely used two years after English. Compared with the past research, this paper in addition to the Chinese also participated in the Spanish translation cases, the two languages can be through comparing each other their own learning, but also for audiovisual translation and international spread research into new dimensions, this paper has double comprehensive persuasive and cross cultural diplomacy from the translation from the angle of the review instrument square, the world of English and Spanish world.


Acknowledgements   3-4   摘要   4-5   Abstract   5   1 Introduction   9-13   2 Literature Review   13-21       2.1 Audiovisual Translation Study   13-17           2.1.1 Audiovisual Translation Study Abroad   13-15           2.1.2 Audiovisual Translation Study in China   15-17       2.2 Humour Study   17-21   3 Subtitling of Situation Comedy   21-33       3.1 Situation Comedy   21-25           3.1.1 Development of Situation Comedy   21-22           3.1.2 Brief Presentation of the Series   22-25       3.2 Features of Situation Comedy   25-26       3.3 Constraints for Situation Comedy Subtitling   26-27       3.4 Theoretical Framework for Subtitling Study   27-30           3.4.1 Descriptive Translation Study   27-28           3.4.2 Norms Adopted   28-30       3.5 Target of Subtitlers   30-33   4 Strategies and Solutions for Subtitling   33-69       4.1 Translation Strategies at Linguistic Level   33-53           4.1.1 Puns   33-45           4.1.2 Spoonerisms   45-46           4.1.3 Misinterpretation of Expressions with Similar Pronunciation   46-50           4.1.4 Rhymes   50-53       4.2 Translation Strategies at Extralinguistic Level   53-67           4.2.1 Extralinguistic Cultural References (ECRs)   53-54           4.2.2 Coping Strategies for ECRs   54-67       4.3 A Quantitative Study   67-69   5 Conclusion   69-72   References   72-77  
