
资料分类免费西语论文 责任编辑:姗姗老师更新时间:2017-06-07

秘鲁学习者声调听辨发音偏误测试略论一以秘鲁天主教大学孔子学院为例Peru Chinese learners pronunciation errors tone identification test and analysis of a Confucius college Catholic University of Peru as an example




Tone teaching is a difficult point in teaching Chinese as a foreign language, and it is also the teaching content of Chinese learners. The tones of Chinese as a foreign language teaching in the error analysis of the existing literature and research, however these studies research object of many foreign left Mr., the wrist is also important is to testers concluded and the description of the main, applied acoustics wrist collection, analysis data of quantitative research, the test object for domestic indigenous Chinese language learners are less, and for the Spanish speaking countries for Chinese learners study is less and less. I teach Kong Zi University School to teach for a year in Peru in the local god, collected for research first-hand material, according to the comparative analysis of actual and error analysis, interlanguage and actual actual tone format, the Chinese and Spanish pronunciation is quite special, stop Suprasegmentals the similarities and differences in the local the Chinese learners in the scope of the investigation must be carried out, through the process of listening and pronunciation test stop data collection and rectification in the early application of Praat, Audition and Excel software for data statistics and quantitative analysis, teaching strategies to listening and pronunciation of rare find Peru Chinese language learners from the two aspects of listening and pronunciation data the error and error causes, listening errors and pronunciation errors of the contact and response, the difficulty is to occupy the tone teaching Support for data and analysis. Research results prove that the native speakers of Spanish Peruvian Chinese learners on the training pitch important errors in the rising tone in Yang Wenhe mutual confounding, vocal tone range is narrow, adjusting the length of the shorter, and suggestions in teaching should be aimed at these errors by using the response measures.


鸣谢   4-5   摘要   5-6   Abstract   6   第一章 绪论   9-15       1.1 探讨背景及意义   9       1.2 理论基础及探讨近况   9-13           1.2.1 理论基础   9-10           1.2.2 探讨近况   10-13      汉语声调本体探讨   10-11      对外汉语声调偏误探讨   11-12      中西语音对比探讨   12-13       1.3 探讨目的、探讨对象和探讨措施   13-15           1.3.1 探讨目的   13           1.3.2 探讨对象   13           1.3.3 探讨措施   13-15   第二章 实验设计   15-18       2.1 测试准备   15-16           2.1.1 测试对象   15           2.1.2 测试材料   15           2.1.3 测试流程   15-16       2.2 数据采样与处理   16-18           2.2.1 数据采样   16           2.2.2 后期处理与归一化   16-18   第三章 实验结果与偏误略论   18-41       3.1 听辨略论   18-29           3.1.1 概述   18           3.1.2 单字调听辨数据描写   18-20           3.1.3 双字调听辨数据描写   20-28           3.1.4 听辨偏误略论   28-29           3.1.5 小结   29       3.2 发音略论   29-41           3.2.1 单字调发音数据描写   29-33           3.2.2 与普通话声调格局的对比略论   33-34           3.2.3 单字调调长数据略论   34-35           3.2.4 双字调发音数据描写   35-39           3.2.5 双字调调长数据略论   39-41   第四章 综合略论及教学建议   41-44       4.1 综合略论   41-42       4.2 教学建议   42-44   结语   44-45       5.1 主要结论   44       5.2 不足之处及今后努力的方向   44-45   参考文献   45-47   附录   47-50  
