“熟果政策”与约翰·昆西·亚当斯的扩张思想探讨The study on the expansion of John Quincy Adams's theory of "fruit policy" 摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 19世纪早期美国作为重生的国际力气,掉臂本身实力缺乏决然踏上了国土扩大的征程,西语论文网站,试图扩展本身的“后院”,解脱欧洲约束的暗影。古巴是“加勒比海的明珠”,美国的建国前辈从一开端便对它非分特别存眷,让古巴并入联邦的筹划也从未停滞过。19世纪20年月,古巴成绩日趋进级,随同着西班牙帝国的逐步式微,美英两国开端捋臂张拳,伎痒,互相较劲。斟酌到本身实力的成绩,西语论文网站,1823年时任美国国务卿的约翰·昆西·亚当斯看准机会争先一步提出了有名的“熟果政策”,这一政策指点着全部19世纪美国对古巴的政策,也是美国对拉丁美洲政策中弗成或缺的一环,对后世美国交际发生了深远的作用。“熟果政策”看似是为了保护美国和西班牙的友爱,但其本质上彰显了约翰·昆西·亚当斯的扩大思惟,为往后美国的年夜陆扩大思惟静静拉开了帷幕,异样为美国的交际政策奠基了基石。 Abstract: In the 19th century in the early days of the United States as the rebirth of the effort, drop arm strength itself decidedly lacking set foot on the land and expand the journey to extended itself "backyard", European constraint in the shadow of relief. Cuba is the "jewel of the Caribbean", America's founding fathers, from the start, then it presumptuous special concern. Cuba is incorporated into the federal planning has never been stagnant. 20 years of the 19th century, Cuba is becoming more and more into the class, along with the Spanish Empire gradually declining, between Britain and the United States began to stroke his arm a boxing, geisha itching, mutual rivalry. Considering the strength of their own achievements, in 1823 when he was Secretary of state of the United States John Quincy Adams spotted the opportunity scrambling step put forward the famous "ripe fruit policy", the policy pointing all 19th century U.S. policy to Cuba, but also the United States of Latin American policy in Eph or lack of a ring, on the later American communication occurred profound influence. "Ripe fruit policy" seems to protect the United States and Spain's love, but the essence of Adams John Quincy's expansion of thinking, for the future of the United States and the United States of America's big land expanded thinking quietly opened the curtain, as the United States of America's communication policy. 目录: 中文摘要 2-3 Abstract 3 中文文摘 4-6 目录 6-7 绪论 7-13 第一节 选题意义 7-8 第二节 国内外探讨近况及趋势 8-13 第一章 约翰·昆西·亚当斯扩张思想形成的基础 13-25 第一节 美国早期扩张思想的传承 13-17 第二节 约翰·昆西·亚当斯时代面临的扩张问题 17-20 第三节 约翰·昆西·亚当斯的现实主义外交 20-25 第二章 古巴问题与“熟果政策”的形成 25-37 第一节 美英西三国在古巴的博弈 25-30 第二节 “不转让准则”在古巴的应用 30-32 第三节 “熟果政策”的正式形成 32-37 第三章 约翰·昆西·亚当斯“熟果政策”的作用 37-47 第一节 “熟果政策”与19世纪20年代美国的扩张思潮 37-41 第二节 “熟果政策”对后世美国外交的作用 41-47 第四章 结论 47-51 参考文献 51-57 攻读学位期间承担的科研任务与主要成果 57-59 致谢 59-61 个人简历 61-62 |