
资料分类免费西语论文 责任编辑:姗姗老师更新时间:2017-06-07

西语系词句汉语“是”字句对比探讨The Spanish and Chinese words "is" sentences


句法是语法的焦点部门,西语专业论文,也是二十世纪50年月以来说话学研究的重要范畴,其研究对象是组词成句的纪律和轨则。西班牙语的系文句和汉语的“是”字句在形状构造、功效、用法上有诸多类似的地方,在各自说话学范畴中都不乏研究剖析,但还没有有过专门从比较说话学的角度对这二者停止周全、体系的比拟。恰是因为西语系文句和汉语“是”字句的类似性,先生轻易简略地在二者之间划上等号,而现实上这两种句型同中有异,各具特色。是以自己以为,运用本身作为外语进修者对目的语和母语的两重熟悉,将它们放在一路对比研究,到达廓清概念、鉴别差异的目标,加深对西语系文句这一主要句型的懂得和控制,防止在外语进修中犯含糊其词、貌同实异的毛病,是非常有需要的,也是对外语进修和教授教养具有现实意义的。本篇论文以西班牙语的系文句和汉语的“是”字句为研究对象,应用比较说话学的实际常识和办法论,从句法构造、性质、功效、语义等角度对二者停止比较研究,既彼此参照又互相辨别,辨明其雷同点和分歧点。并联合实例,考核在汉西翻译中对此类句型的处置办法。要对这两种句型停止比拟,起首要明白它们的概念。“是”字句望文生义,轻易懂得,而西班牙语系文句的界说及对“系词”的界定章是本文开篇要重点说明的一个成绩。说话学家们对这个成绩历来存有争议。传统语法律上只将ser和estar看做是真正意义上的系词,后来又有说话学家提出还应包含更多的动词,如parecer, semejar,quedar,更有一类被称作“假系词”(pseudo一copulativos)的动词如andar, resultar, seguir, hallarse, ponerse, volverse等也可起到接洽主语和表语的感化,组成系文句。对于这个还没有同一熟悉的成绩,本文中亦不作定论,而是将几种重要的不雅点和分类作一个总结和梳理。以后再分离论述剖析西语系文句和汉语“是”字句的构造特色、功效语义,并加以比较,总结出二者的差异。最初,联合翻译中的一些详细成绩,评论辩论将汉语的“是”字句译为西语时若干经常使用的处置办法和技能,愿望能为外语进修和翻译理论供给必定自创价值。


Syntax is the focus of the grammar department, but also in twentieth Century 50 years since the study of the important areas of speech, its research object is the group of words into a sentence of discipline and track. Spanish Department of sentences and Chinese "is" words in shape and structure, function and usage has many similar places, in their learning to speak in the category of have no shortage of research and analysis, but hasn't done exclusively from Perspective of comparative learning to speak of the two stop comprehensive, system than intended. It is precisely because "Spanish sentences and Chinese" is the sentence similarity, sir easily briefly between the two zoned equal sign, and reality on the two sentence patterns with different, each has its own characteristics. Is in their own thought, the application itself as a foreign language learners of the target language and the mother tongue of double familiar and put them in a comparative study, reach the concept of clearance, identify similarities and differences, deepen of Spanish sentences in the sentence to understand and control, to prevent in a foreign language into the repair make vague appearance with different problems is very necessary, but an practical significance on foreign language learning and teaching. This thesis in the Spanish Department of sentences and Chinese "is" words as the research object, use is learning to speak of practical knowledge and methodology, from syntactic structure, nature, function, semantic angle of two stop comparing research, both mutual reference and mutual discrimination, discern the same point and bifurcation point. Combined with examples, assessment in the West in the translation of this kind of sentence solution. To compare these two types of sentence patterns, first of all to understand their concept. "Is" the words too literally, easy to understand, and Spanish sentences, the definition and the "copula" definition of the chapter is at the beginning of this paper, it highlights that a performance. The speech scientists have always been controversial about this achievement. Traditional grammar school will only Ser and ESTAR is seen as the true meaning of copula, and later linguists put forward should also include more verbs, such as parecer, semejar, quedar, more a class called "false copula" pseudo a copulativos) verbs such as andar, resultar, seguir, hallarse, ponerse, volverse, also can be to contact the action of subject and predicative, textual composition. On this is not the same familiar with the results, this paper is not a conclusion, but several important points and classified as a summary and sort out. After re isolation of the discourse analysis of Spanish sentences and Chinese "is" structural characteristics of words, semantic function and comparison, summed up the similarities and differences between the two. Initially, the joint translation of some detailed results, review the debate will Chinese "is" sentence translation, several Spanish often use the disposal methods and skills, in hopes to foreign language learning and translation theory supply must own value.

