
资料分类免费西语论文 责任编辑:姗姗老师更新时间:2017-06-07

谢苗诺夫两首自由低音手风琴奏鸣曲探讨The study of Semionov's two free bass accordion Sonata


谢苗诺夫(Viatcheslav Semyonov)1946年生于俄罗斯,是现今世界有名手风琴作曲家、吹奏家、教导家,手风琴工程师。现为莫斯科格涅辛国立音乐学院键盘系主任。手风琴是谢苗诺夫创作的重要载体,西语论文范文,他创作了年夜量分歧作风、分歧文体的手风琴著作,个中两首为自在高音巴扬手风琴创作的奏鸣曲是他最主要的著作之一。本文分为三个部门第一部门论述了古代音乐的特点和趋向,商量了研究古代手风琴著作的价值和意义。在第二部门中对谢苗诺夫手风琴奏鸣曲停止了周全详实的剖析。在《奏鸣曲一号》的剖析中起首阐述了其深入的创作配景,在音乐的本体剖析中阐述了著作边沿曲式的构造特点,在构造上表现了套曲与单章组合准绳的联合,并依照乐章的次序将第一奏鸣曲的各类有特色的音乐说话停止了具体的剖析,如半音化的音乐说话、有宗教圣咏颜色的旋律、艺术地模拟钟声的创作准绳等等。在《奏鸣曲二号》又称为“巴斯克”奏鸣曲,著作展示了巴斯克平易近族独有的音乐作风。著作在继续巴斯克平易近族作风的同时,在曲式与和声和复调技法方面不乏克意立异,力图兼收并蓄;作曲家年夜量运用了复合功效的和声、平行和声、非三度叠置和声等多种古代和声办法,在调式方面年夜量运用有西班牙巴斯克平易近族特点的调式音阶;别的在著作节拍方面运用也独具西班牙风味,在此基本上,作曲家年夜量运用复节奏,发明性地构成本身的节拍说话,使得著作的西班牙巴斯克平易近族特点加倍浓烈和富有表示力。在第三部门中,笔者联合两首奏鸣曲的创作阐述了出色的手风琴著作若何运用手风琴奇特的吹奏技法来发掘、拓展手风琴的表示力,从中找出个性及其特性,如各类风箱技法的运用、极端音区与变音器的运用和超长坚持音的创作技能。笔者力争从中找出其独到的地方,愿望藉此增进中国手风琴创作理论的繁华与提高。


Semionov (Semyonov Viatcheslav) was born in Russia in 1946, is now the world famous accordion composer, playing home, teaching home, accordion engineer. The keyboard is director of Department of Moscow Gnessin Academy of music. Accordion is an important carrier of Semenov creation, he wrote a large number of different style, different style of accordion works, two medium first for free treble Bayan accordion creative Sonata is one of his most important works. This paper is divided into three parts: the first section discusses the characteristics and trends of ancient music, discusses the value and significance of the study of the ancient accordion works. In the second section, Semionov's Accordion Sonata has been analyzed in a comprehensive and detailed analysis. In the Sonata No. 1 "analysis first elaborated the depth of the creation background, expatiates on the structure characteristics of the edge of musical works in the music ontology analysis, in the structure showed divertimento and single chapter combination principle, and in accordance with the order of the movement will be first played Ming song all kings of distinctive music stop talking the specific analysis, such as chromaticism music speak, religious chant colors melody, art simulation bell creation principle and so on. In the Sonata No. two, also known as the "Basque" Sonata, the work shows the Basque's unique style of music. Works on Basque plain near family style at the same time, the in form and harmony and counterpoint in many different Keyili, trying to eclectic; composer of the eve of the application of the composite effect of harmony, parallel harmony, non three degree folding structure harmony many ancient harmony way, in the mode of the large number of applications have Spanish Basque ethnic characteristics of mode scales; other application in the works of the beat unique flavors of Spain, on this basis, composer of the large number of applications of complex rhythms, invention constitutes itself beat speak, makes the work of the Basque ethnic characteristics of double strong and rich. In the third sector, the author combined two songs played Ming song creation on the outstanding accordion works strange how to use the accordion playing techniques to explore and expand the accordion said, from which find out the personality and characteristics, such as the application of all kinds of bellows techniques, extreme register and umlaut is application and long adhere to the tone of creation skills. The author tries to find out its original place, the desire to enhance the prosperity and improvement of the theory of Chinese accordion creation.

