
资料分类免费西语论文 责任编辑:姗姗老师更新时间:2017-06-07

  Brief Comparison of the Differences between Chinese and Western Traditional Ar-chitecture
外语论文网 www.waiyulw.com
  摘 要:建筑是人类物质和精神文明的产物,建筑是构成文化的一个重要部分,建筑与文化紧密相连,是一种文化类型的体现。对建筑文化的了解能很好地促进中西方文化的交流,更好的帮助人们了解中西文明的发展。
  [中图分类号]:G04 [文献标识码]:A
  Architecture is influenced by natural objects, materials, social conditions, technology, ideology, religion, culture, and aesthetics and so on. For example, Eskimo use ice and snow to build house thoroughly, while people in southwest China often use bamboo to build houses on stilts, which is affected by natural and geographical conditions. During a long period of time, Chinese and Western architecture was in a relatively closed system, developed independently, with little opportunity to communicate. So a variety of differences in architecture are formed.
  Among all the differences in architecture building, materials will be the basic one. Chinese like to use wood while the Westerners like to use stone.
  Chinese traditional architecture had used wooden structure since long ago, and most of the traditional buildings which now are preserved are wooden structures. Even if a number of brick pagodas and underground tombs use a masonry structure, they still mimic the appearance of wood structure. It shows the importance of woods in traditional buildings in China. Wooden structure with wooden pillars and beams forms the skeleton of the house, and the weight of the roof beams passed through the column, and then through the column to the ground. In a word,西语毕业论文, the wooden structure is widespread in a large number of Chinese traditional buildings.
  The color is a part of a building, and people’s preference to colors is a culture. Some bright colors, such as red, green and yellow are popular in house decoration in China, and some plain colors such as white, black and grey are also popular. The Westerners also prefer to use bright colors to decorate their buildings.
  In Chinese traditional architecture, bright red and some plain colors are widely used in the buildings. Doors, windows and beams are colored vermilion. Walls are usually colored white which are called “washed wall”. In Western traditional architecture, showy colors can be found everywhere. As the architecture classic, "Ten Books on Architecture" introduces, at that time the building colors are very rich, ocher, gray and yellow, blush, pink, reddish brown, red, gray,西语论文范文, blue, white, black and gold and so on. (Yuan & Cao, 2004: 37) Speculating from the marble of the existing legacy, on the stigma of the temple eaves are not only exquisite carvings, but also bright colors. They use the red for the background more, use black for the pattern or oppositely use. They form a vivid comparison. (Zhang, Fang & Zhang, 2017: 90)
  Chinese architecture is influenced by Western culture. Many western-style buildings appear in China, such as Yuanmingyuan and a lot of Western-style gardens. In modern times, the communications between China and West become more convenient and frequent. The Chinese and Western modern architecture have fused gradually. Nowadays, in preserving and promoting our traditional essence in architectural culture, at the same time, we are expecting the integration points in building development with the West and thus further our communication and exchanges in various aspects.
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