
资料分类免费越南语论文 责任编辑:阮圆圆更新时间:2017-06-19

语言水平主题熟悉度和语篇类型越南留学生听力理解作用The effects of language proficiency, subject familiarity and text types on the listening comprehension of Vietnamese Students


听力懂得是说话进修的主要环节,越南语毕业论文,也是说话运用的主要方面。二十世纪五十年月之前,转达式听力懂得进程被看做是一个主动的、接收性进程。跟着信息实际的成长,人们对听力懂得进程的实质有了新的熟悉,但对于听力懂得进程的阐释并没有一个同一形式。1986年,Sperber & Wilson在其《联系关系性:外交与认知》一书中提出了联系关系实际,10多年来,该实际被普遍并且胜利地用来说明修辞、翻译、语法、语篇、文学、年夜众流传等范畴的浩瀚说话景象,但是,从认知语用学和认贴心理学的角度将联系关系实际运用于听力懂得的研究还较为少见。本文将在联系关系实际的框架下,越语论文范文,把转达式听力懂得进程算作是措辞者和听者之间互相感化的一个积极自动的外交进程,一个新信息和旧信息相互感化、经由过程推理求得最好联系关系的进程。跟着中国与世界经济、文明交换的成长,愈来愈多的留先生离开中国粹习汉语。今朝,在对外汉语教授教养中,听力懂得常常轻易被疏忽,这除有教授教养方面的缘由以外,还与很多教员对听力懂得的熟悉上存在误差有关。对于第一说话进修中的听力懂得进程和英语作为第二说话的习得进程入耳力懂得的研究在国际绝对比拟多,并且比拟成熟了,但对于将汉语作为第二说话的习得的转达式听力懂得研究今朝其实不多见。鉴于此,本文将在中国粹习汉语的越南留先生的听力懂得作为研究对象,旨在经由过程查询拜访说话程度、文章主题熟习度、语篇类型对其转达式听力懂得的作用,来提醒越南留先生的转达式听力懂得的认知进程。本研究对66名二年级(个中82%已经由过程HSK的初中级测验)和87名一年级越南留先生分离停止了两次听力测试。第一次的测试资料是受试熟习的两篇分歧体裁的文章(一篇记序文,另外一篇解释文),一礼拜后,用不熟习的两篇分歧体裁的文章(一篇记序文,另外一篇解释文)对受试分东北交通年夜学研究生学位论义第11乡之别停止第二次测试。其成果分离作为说话程度、文章主题熟习度、语篇类型对其听力懂得作用的数据。经由过程问卷查询拜访、访谈,对统计数据停止非参数磨练,配对T一磨练,单身分方差剖析,多身分方差剖析和定性剖析的措施,得出试验成果,并用联系关系实际对试验成果做出认知角度的说明。试验证实,文章主题熟习度效应呈最强的明显意义,语一言程度效应亦呈明显意义,而语篇类型的主效应不明显。三个自变量之间的交互效应亦不明显。这注解必定的配景常识,足够的说话常识、敏捷辨认词义的才能和运用相干常识停止猜测、推理的听力技能是留先生停止有用听力的三年夜需要前提。别的,在听力懂得进程中,明白听力目标是进步听力懂得效力的一个重要身分。


Listening comprehension is the main link in the study of speech, and it is also the main aspect of the application of speech. In twentieth Century fifty years ago, the process was seen as an active, receiving process. With the development of information, people have a new understanding of the nature of listening to the process of listening, but there is no way to explain the process of listening to the same form. In 1986, Sperber & Wilson in the the relationship: diplomacy and cognition, "a book put forward in relation to the actual, 10 years, the practice has been widely and successfully used to illustrate the vastness of the rhetoric, translation, syntax, discourse, literature, the eve of the public spread in areas such as speech scene, however, from the cognitive pragmatics and recognize paste psychology angle in relation to the actual application in listening to understand the research is still relatively rare. The under the framework of the link between actual to convey listening to understand process count is between the speaker and the listener mutual action of an active diplomatic process, a new information and old information mutual action, through the process of reasoning obtained best association process. Follow Chinese with the world economy and culture exchange growth, more and more students leave China to learn chinese. At present, in teaching Chinese as a foreign language, listening is often easily overlooked, this is in addition to the reasons for teaching, but also with a lot of teachers on the understanding of the understanding of the errors related to the existence of. On first learning to speak in the hearing know process and English as second language acquisition process ear force to understand research in the relatively more, and relatively mature, but on the Chinese as a second language acquisition to convey listening know research today, not much to see. In view of this, this paper will in the Chinese pure learning Vietnamese Chinese left Mr. listening know as the research object, aims to pass query visit speak degree, the topic familiarity and text type on the convey listening to understand, to remind Vietnam to convey the type to understand cognitive processes. The study of two grade 66 (82% of which have been made by the process of HSK in the first intermediate test) and 87 first grade students in Vietnam, Mr. Liu has been separated from the two hearing test. The first test data is familiar with two different genres of articles (a preface, also a interpretation of an article), one week later, not familiar with the two different types of articles (a preface, also a post explaining the) to points North Jiaotong University Master of scholar research degree on the meaning of section 11 of the township, don't stop the second test. The results of separation as the theme of the talk, familiarity and discourse types on the listening comprehension of data. Through questionnaire inquiry visits, interviews, statistical data on the stop nonparametric hone, paired t a hone, single factor variance analysis, multi factor variance analysis and qualitative analysis method that test results, and relations with the actual of the test results to make cognitive perspective. Tests confirmed that the topic familiarity effect was most significant, language a word level effect was also significant, and the main effect of text type is not obvious. The interaction effect between the three independent variables is not obvious. This annotation must be accompanied by a view of common sense, enough to speak common sense, quick to identify the meaning of the word and application of the relevant knowledge to stop guessing, reasoning listening skills is to stay in the three major needs of the premise of the hearing. In addition, in the process of listening comprehension, the goal is to understand the progress of listening comprehension is an important factor in the effectiveness of listening.

